Source: Active Biotech

Active Biotech announces the final terms of the rights issue


On 5 November 2020, the board of directors of Active Biotech AB (publ) (”Active Biotech” or the ”Company”) resolved to propose a rights issue of approximately SEK 75 million, before transaction costs . The board of directors of Active Biotech today announces the final terms of the rights issue, which is submitted to the extraordinary general meeting to be held on 30 November 2020.

On 5 November 2020, the board of directors of Active Biotech resolved to propose a rights issue of approximately SEK 75 million, before transaction costs. The proceeds from the rights issue will be used to provide Active Biotech with the financial stability needed to pursue the planned pre-clinical and clinical research-activities related to the Company’s prioritized programs, which is required to await the outcome of the ongoing clinical studies and to conduct negotiations with partners regarding the Company’s other development projects. For further information on background to and reasons for the rights issue, refer to the Company’s press release on 5 November 2020.

The final terms of the rights issue
As per the record date 4 January 2021, two existing shares in Active Biotech shall entitle to subscription for one new share. Subscription can also be made without pre-emptive rights, as set forth in the complete issue resolution.

The subscription price is SEK 1.05 per share, whereby the rights issue will provide Active Biotech with issue proceeds of approximately SEK 76.2 million, before transaction costs.

Through the rights issue Active Biotech’s share capital will increase by a maximum amount of SEK 375,000, from existing SEK 750,000 to a maximum amount of SEK 1,125,000, through the issue of a maximum of 72,618,240 shares.

The subscription period lasts between 7 – 21 January 2021.

The complete terms and conditions for the rights issue, together with other information about the Company, will be presented in the prospectus that will be made public prior the commencement of the subscription period. The rights issue is conditional upon approval by the extraordinary general meeting to be held on 30 November 2020.

Subscription commitments and issue guarantees
The proposed rights issue is covered by subscription commitments and issue guarantees of approximately SEK 40.0 million. MGA Holding AB, the Third and Fourth AP-Funds and Peter Thelin have undertaken to subscribe for their respective pre-emptive parts of the rights issue. In addition, the Fourth AP-Fund and Peter Thelin has entered issue guarantees of approximately SEK 14.4 million. The abovementioned parties have also undertaken to vote in favour of the rights issue at the extraordinary general meeting. In addition, members of the board of directors and management team that own shares in Active Biotech have expressed their intention to subscribe for their respective pre-emptive rights in the rights issue.

Preliminary timetable

30 November 2020Extraordinary general meeting
30 December 2020Last day for trading in the Active Biotech share including the right to participate in the rights issue.
4 January 2021Record date for the right to participate in the rights issue.
7 – 21 January 2021Subscription period.
7 – 19 January 2021Trading in subscription rights.

For more information, please contact:
Helén Tuvesson, President and CEO
Tel. +46 46 19 21 56

Hans Kolam, CFO
Tel. +46 46 19 20 44

Active Biotech AB

(Corp. Reg. No. 556223-9227)
Box 724, SE-220 07 Lund, Sweden
Tel: +46 (0)46 19 20 00

This is information that Active Biotech AB is obliged to make public pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation. This information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact person set out above, at 8.30 CET on 25 November 2020.

About Active Biotech
Active Biotech AB (publ) (NASDAQ Stockholm: ACTI) is a biotechnology company that deploys its extensive knowledge base and portfolio of compounds to develop first-in-class immunomodulatory treatments for specialist oncology and immunology indications with a high unmet medical need and significant commercial potential. Following a portfolio refocus, the business model of Active Biotech aims to advance projects to the clinical development phase and then further develop the programs internally or pursue in partnership. Active Biotech currently holds three projects in its portfolio: Naptumomab, a targeted anti-cancer immunotherapy, partnered to NeoTX Therapeutics, is in a Phase 1/2 clinical program in patients with advanced solid tumors. The small molecule immunomodulators, tasquinimod and laquinimod, both having a mode of actions that includes modulation of myeloid immune cell function, are targeted towards hematological malignancies and inflammatory eye disorders, respectively. Tasquinimod, is in clinical phase 1b/2a for treatment of multiple myeloma. Laquinimod is advancing to phase 2 for treatment of non-infectious uveitis during second half of 2021.  Please visit for more information.


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