Source: Mendus AB

Immunicum AB (publ) Announces Transitions in Board of Directors

Press Release

21 January 2021

Immunicum AB (publ) Announces Transitions in Board of Directors

Immunicum AB (publ: IMMU.ST) today announced that Michael Oredsson has decided to resign his position as chairman and member of Immunicum’s Board of Directors, effective as of the Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) that will be held tomorrow on January 22, 2021. The Board has agreed to appoint Christine Lind, currently serving as board member, as interim chairman until the next  Annual General Meeting (AGM), to be held on May 4, 2021.

“I have been part of Immunicum’s development since 2018 and have been very encouraged by the clinical progress and achievements over the past years,” commented Michael Oredsson. “For the next stage of Immunicum’s transformation, it is an appropriate time to hand over the chairman role and I am confident that the Company can benefit from the wealth of experience that Christine has in guiding strategy and bringing together expertise to build value in biopharmaceutical companies.”

“On behalf of the entire board, I would like to thank Michael for his tireless support and significant contributions to Immunicum over the past years,” said Christine Lind. “His dedication to ensuring that Immunicum’s programs continue to move toward commercialization and reach patients has been essential for the advancement of the company. With the combined strengths following the recent business combination and both ilixadencel and DCP-001 in clinical development, I am excited about Immunicum’s potential to bring future treatments to patients. I am honored to work with my fellow board members and Immunicum’s executive team to build Immunicum’s position as a leader in cell-based therapies.”

At the EGM, as previously announced, it is proposed is to elect Dharminder Chahal and Andrea van Elsas, Ph.D., as new members of the Board of Directors. If the vote at the EGM is in favor of these elections, the board will be composed of Christine Lind as interim chairman, and Sven Andreasson, Dharminder Chahal, Charlotte Edenius M.D., Ph.D., Andrea van Elsas Ph.D., Steven Glazer M.D., and Helén Tuvesson Ph.D., as members for the period until the AGM.

The information is such information that Immunicum is obliged to make public pursuant to EU Market Abuse Regulation. The information was released for public disclosure through the contact persons detailed below on 21 January 2021, at 08:00 am CET.

For more information, please contact:

Michael Oredsson and Christine Lind
Telephone: +46 8 732 8400

About Immunicum AB (publ)

Immunicum is leveraging its unparalleled expertise in dendritic cell biology to develop novel, off-the-shelf, cell-based therapies for solid and blood-borne tumors. With complementary therapeutic approaches in Phase II clinical development that are based on intratumoral priming and cancer relapse vaccination, the company aims to improve survival outcomes and quality of life for a broad population of cancer patients. Based in Sweden and the Netherlands, Immunicum is publicly traded on the Nasdaq Stockholm.
