Villers-lès-Nancy, 1 February 2021 - 6:30 p.m. (CET)




  • Pharmagest Group is preparing for the pending ministerial approval which will authorize pharmacy-based vaccination.
  • For pharmacists: launch of PandaLab agenda, a free COVID vaccination appointment service integrated into the pharmacy management suite.
  • For patients: launch of PandaLab Ma Santé, a free vaccination appointment app for both iPhones and android smartphones starting 1 March 2021patients.

Helping pharmacies get ready for this new task
Pharmacists are ready to participate in the vaccination campaign by carrying out themselves the act of injection. In anticipation of the pending ministerial authorization for the general public to be vaccinated in pharmacies, Pharmagest Group today launches an appointment management service for pharmacy-based COVID vaccinations: PandaLab agenda.

A service designed to optimize the planning and resources of pharmacists
PandaLab agenda facilitates scheduling of in-pharmacy appointments and avoids the burdensome re-entering of patient data.

As part of the pharmacy management suite (LGPI Global Services®) accessible from all the pharmacy workstations, for scheduling the appointment up to billing, PandaLab agenda facilitates the identification of eligible patients by means of LGPI-generated notifications, and simplifies patient data entry, a time-consuming and cumbersome task for pharmacists and their teams.

PandaLab agenda will soon be enhanced by other services in the coming months. These will include transmitting a photo of the prescription by patients to prepare the prescription and orders, reminders for prescriptions and prescription renewals, notifications of commitments, tip sheets, etc. 

A highly secure service
Hosted in France by Pharmagest Group, a certified hosting services provider for personal health data, this service offers a particularly high level of security. At the time of billing, it provides traceability up to the patient and batch number management.

Helping pharmacies set up vaccination services
To help pharmacists advise and support their patients in this process, Pharmagest Group proposes a comprehensive pharmacy communications kit (posters, flyers, window signs) and SMS packs for bulk notifications to pharmacy patients.

A free service for pharmacists
PandaLab agenda, reserved for Group customers equipped with the pharmacy software management suite, is free for the 2021 COVID vaccination campaign. It is also offered to their patients.
As from the 1st of January 2022, pharmacists will be subsequently charged a fee of €10/month fee for all types of vaccinations combined. The application will continue to be free for their patients.

Making it easier for patients to schedule online appointments by smartphone
PandaLab agenda also includes an app for the general public, PandaLab Ma Santé.
Through this app, any patient can make a COVID vaccination appointment in the nearest pharmacy of his or her choice offering this service. PandaLab Ma Santé is a free app downloadable starting 1 March 2021 from the App Store and Google Play.

Pharmacies’ central role in the vaccination campaign
The French pharmacy network has already demonstrated, with the seasonal flu, its ability to vaccinate in pharmacies. Reflecting this success and the active role they have already assured in delivering COVID vaccines to nursing homes, and with a vaccination capacity of 400,000 people per day, pharmacies are now ready to vaccinate the general public against COVID-19.

Denis SUPPLISSON, Deputy CEO of Pharmagest Group and Director of the Group’s Pharmacy Europe Solutions Division, specified: “Taking advantage of their vaccine expertise, pharmacist will be given another opportunity to assure a vital role within the health ecosystem made possible by their close relationships with their patients, whether for providing guidance, information, performing the vaccination itself and monitoring patients. Our 9,800 customers are ready to contribute to this vaccination campaign of unprecedented scale. By developing this new offering, we are fully deployed by their sides to help them assure this mission with ease, speed and efficiency.

About Pharmagest Group:

With more than 1,100 employees acting as “Citizens in the Service of Health and Well-Being”, Pharmagest Group is the leading provider of IT solutions for the healthcare sector in Europe through innovative solutions and services for healthcare professionals guaranteeing the efficiency of the healthcare system and improving the patient care pathway.

As a key contributor to the quality of healthcare and coordination between office-based private practice and hospitals, Pharmagest Group is present in France, Italy, Belgium, Luxembourg and the United Kingdom where it is developing the leading healthcare platform and a single ecosystem for France and Europe bringing the best of technology to the service of people.

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