Source: Acacia Pharma Group plc

Results of Placing – EUR 27 million Raised to Invest Further in US Launch and Commercialization Activities



Acacia Pharma Group plc

 Results of Placing – EUR 27 million Raised to Invest Further in US Launch and Commercialization Activities

Cambridge, UK and Indianapolis, US – 19 February 2021, 08:00 CET: Acacia Pharma Group plc (“Acacia Pharma” or the "Company”) (EURONEXT: ACPH), a commercial stage biopharmaceutical company focused on developing and commercializing novel products to improve the care of patients undergoing serious medical treatments such as surgery, invasive procedures, or chemotherapy, announces the successful completion of the placing announced yesterday (the “Placing”).

Capitalized terms not otherwise defined in this announcement have the meanings given to them in the announcement made by the Company at 13:15 CET yesterday afternoon.

Pursuant to the Placing, Placees have agreed to subscribe for 10,000,000 New Ordinary Shares at a price of EUR 2.70 per share (the “Placing Price”), which represents a 6.9 % discount to the last trading share price on 18 February 2021. The Placing will raise gross proceeds of approximately EUR 27,000,000. The New Ordinary Shares issued pursuant to the Placing represent 11.1% of the Company’s issued share capital prior to the Placing.

Trading of Acacia Pharma shares was temporarily suspended as a result of the Bookbuild and shall resume today, as of the start of trading.

Bank Degroof Petercam SA/NV ("Degroof Petercam") is acting as Sole Bookrunner and Listing Agent (the “Sole Bookrunner” or the "Bank") in connection with the Placing.

Following issuance of the New Ordinary Shares, the total number of ordinary shares in issue in the Company will be 99,689,451.

Mike Bolinder, CEO of Acacia Pharma, commented: “We are very pleased with the rapid and successful completion of this Placing, which will provide us with the financial resources to support the continued launch and roll out of BARHEMSYS® and BYFAVO™ in the US. As we reported in yesterday’s announcement, early progress in gaining formulary access for BARHEMSYS® has been very promising, exceeding our expectations, and comparing very favorably with recent comparable US hospital product launches. Gaining formulary acceptance is a crucial step to driving sales longer term, and we are delighted with the very positive early market reception to the US launch of BARHEMSYS®. We would like to thank our existing and new shareholders for their support and look forward to providing a further update on our progress at the time of our full year results in late March.”

Acacia Pharma intends to use the net proceeds of the Placing:

  1. To meet its sales force and marketing costs relating to BARHEMSYS® and BYFAVO™ including brand development and engagement with key opinion leaders, healthcare professionals and medical conference and speaker programs;
  2. To continue implementing post-approval research and development commitments including pediatric studies for BARHEMSYS® and BYFAVO™ and a renal study for BARHEMSYS®;
  3. To satisfy interest and principal payments under existing loan agreements; and
  4. For general corporate purposes relating to ongoing commercial activities.

In connection with the Placing, the Company has agreed to a lock-up undertaking, not to issue additional shares for a period of 90 days following settlement of the Placing. In addition, in connection with the Placing, senior managers and directors of the Company as well as Cosmo Technologies Limited ("Cosmo"), a substantial shareholder in the Company, have agreed not to sell any shares in Acacia Pharma for a period of 90 days following the settlement of the Placing, subject to customary exceptions.

Application has been made to Euronext Brussels for admission of the New Ordinary Shares issued pursuant to the Placing to trading on the regulated market of Euronext Brussels (“Admission”). It is expected that Admission will take place on or around 08:00 CET on 23 February 2021 (or such later time or date as the Bank may agree with the Company) and that unconditional dealings in the New Ordinary Shares issued pursuant to the Placing will commence at the same time. The Placing is conditional upon, inter alia, Admission becoming effective and the placing agreement between the Company and the Bank not being terminated in accordance with its terms.

The payment and delivery of the New Ordinary Shares is expected to take place on 23 February 2021.
The New Ordinary Shares to be issued pursuant to the Placing will have the same rights and benefits as, and rank pari passu in all respects with, the Existing Ordinary Shares.


Acacia Pharma Group plc
Mike Bolinder, CEO
Gary Gemignani, CFO
+44 1223 919760 / +1 317 505 1280

International Media
Mark Swallow, Frazer Hall, David Dible
Citigate Dewe Rogerson
+44 20 7638 9571
US Investors
LifeSci Advisors
Irina Koffler
+1 917-734-7387
Media in Belgium and the Netherlands
Chris Van Raemdonck
+32 499 58 55 31

Acacia Pharma Group plc
The Officers’ Mess, Royston Road, Duxford, Cambridge, CB22 4QH, United Kingdom
Company number 9759376

About Acacia Pharma

Acacia Pharma is a hospital pharmaceutical company focused on the development and commercialization of new products aimed at improving the care of patients undergoing significant treatments such as surgery, other invasive procedures, or cancer chemotherapy. The Company has identified important and commercially attractive unmet needs in these areas that its product portfolio aims to address.

Acacia Pharma's first product, BARHEMSYS® (amisulpride injection) is marketed in the US for the management of postoperative nausea & vomiting (PONV).

BYFAVO™ (remimazolam) for injection, a very rapid onset/offset IV benzodiazepine sedative is approved and launched in the US for use during invasive medical procedures in adults lasting 30 minutes or less, such as colonoscopy and bronchoscopy. BYFAVO is in-licensed from Paion UK Limited for the US market.

APD403 (intravenous and oral amisulpride), a selective dopamine antagonist for chemotherapy induced nausea & vomiting (CINV) has successfully completed one proof-of-concept and one Phase 2 dose-ranging study in patients receiving highly emetogenic chemotherapy.

Acacia Pharma has its US headquarters in Indianapolis, IN and its R&D operations are centered in Cambridge, UK. The Company is listed on the Euronext Brussels exchange under the ISIN code GB00BYWF9Y76 and ticker symbol ACPH.


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