F-Secure Corporation – New incentive plan 2021–2023 for management and key employees of F-Secure Corporation based on company’s share-based long-term incentive scheme

F-Secure Corporation, Stock Exchange Release, 12 March 2021, 18.00 EET

F-Secure Corporation – New incentive plan 2021–2023 for management and key employees of F-Secure Corporation based on company’s share-based long-term incentive scheme

In 2020, F-Secure took into use a share-based long-term incentive scheme, based on which the Board of Directors can decide on annually commencing incentive plans (PSP). Each annual plan includes a maximum of three-year performance period. The scheme was announced for first time on 12 February 2020.

The Board of Directors of F-Secure Corporation has decided, based on the abovementioned scheme, on a new long-term incentive plan for the years 2021–2023.

The new plan, PSP 2021–2023, will commence in 2021 and the performance criteria for this plan will be F-Secure’s total shareholder return (TSR).

If all the performance targets set for PSP 2021–2023 are fully achieved, the aggregate maximum number of share rewards to be paid in the first half of 2024 is approximately 2 600 000 shares. This number of shares represents a gross earning, from which the applicable payroll tax is withheld and the remaining net value is paid in shares to the key employees participating to the plan.

The plan is offered to the management and selected key employees of F-Secure. Approximately maximum of 120 key individuals will become eligible to participate in the plan, based on a decision of the Board of Directors. If the individual’s employment with F-Secure terminates before the payment date of the share reward, the individual is not, as a main rule, entitled to any reward based on the plan.

Contact information:

Henri Kiili, Investor Relations and Corporate Finance Director, F-Secure Corporation
+358 40 840 5450