Kvika banki hf.: Auction of bills

Offered are bills in the three month series KVB 21 0621, six months series KVB 21 0921 and nine months series KVB 21 1222. Accepted bids in each series are limited to ISK 1,000 million nominal value. Total issuance is limited to ISK 2,000 million.

The auction will be structured as a single-price auctions for each series, meaning that all accepted bids,  will be sold to investors at the same price. The lowest accepted price (highest yield) will determine the selling price in each series.  The bills are issued in ISK 20 million denominations and will be listed on the Nasdaq Iceland stock exchange. Bids will be accepted until 16:00 hrs on Thursday 18th of March. The Payment and settlement date is 22nd of March 2021.

Further information is available at Kvika banki Capital Markets tel. +354 540 3220 or vixlar@kvika.is



20210316 KVB Víxlar mars