to build a world-class automated urban logistics hub in Jätkäsaari, Helsinki Oyj        PRESS RELEASE         23.4.2021 at 7.50 EET to build a world-class automated urban logistics hub in Jätkäsaari, Helsinki will invest in the logistics automation of the warehouse located in connection to the Jätkäsaari megastore in Helsinki. The investment is the largest in the company’s history and once finalized, will enable future growth, cost savings and improved customer experience through wider assortment, better product availability and faster deliveries.

The first phase of the investment is to build a fully automated AutoStore® small item warehouse. The building of this warehouse will commence this summer and to be completed early 2022. The automated robot warehouse will significantly improve the efficiency of space utilization while enabling even faster deliveries and product availability.   

The AutoStore solution will be delivered by Swisslog, one of the world’s leading logistics-automation companies.’s AutoStore consists of 36 robots, which can pick up and deliver up to 1,000 articles per hour. The capacity of the AutoStore warehouse is approximately 25,000 articles. The system is modular and easy to expand. AutoStore is an energy efficient solution when compared to other warehouse automation systems. It can fully utilize the capacity of the warehouse, which will reduce the energy consumption of the warehouse.

” delivers nearly 15,000 products from Jätkäsaari to our customers across Finland every day. The demand for online shopping has increased tremendously during the last year, and with this investment, we will be able to serve our customers with the growing delivery volumes. Our competitive edges are our extensive assortment, efficient fulfilment, and superior technology backbone. We want to hold on them also in the future and to offer our customers the best possible customer experience, “says Panu Porkka, CEO,

In the next phases of the investment, will build a new packaging automation system and a vertical conveyor system in the Jätkäsaari warehouse. The estimated value of the capital expenditure is approximately EUR 4 million, and the investment is expected to be completed by the end of 2022. The investment will make the Jätkäsaari warehouse a world-class, automated urban logistics hub in Helsinki.

In February, refined its strategy for the period 2021–2025. With the strategy, aims for a revenue of one billion euros and an EBIT margin of 5 percent by the end of 2025. The investment announced today is strongly linked to these targets.’s vision is to remain as a pioneer of ecommerce also in the next decades through continuous innovation and development. Oyj

For more information:
Panu Porkka, CEO

Marja Mäkinen, Head of Investor Relations
Tel. +358 40 671 2999 – Probably always cheaper is Finland’s most popular and most visited Finnish online retailer, with the aim to sell to products to its customer at probably always cheaper prices. Depending on the season, the Company markets, sells, and distributes some 60,000–70,000 products in 26 different main product categories through its webstore, retail stores, and network of pick-up points. The Company has four megastores: in Oulu, Pirkkala, Raisio, and Helsinki, in addition to which products can be collected at more than 3,000 pick-up points. was founded in 1992 and it is headquartered in Jätkäsaari, Helsinki. The Company’s shares are listed on the official list of Nasdaq Helsinki under the ticker symbol VERK.