Figure 3.

Figure 3.

Down-hole geochemical plot showing the polymetallic nature of the 80 metre intersection of Critical Metals in Hole 10 (86-166 metres) and 88 metre intersection in Hole 11 (227-315 metres), including both the light and medium-heavy REE’s (MHREO), and niobium. The mineralization occurs within potassic alteration in both holes (shown in pink). Of note is the MHREO content, up to 30% of TREO in both holes, and nearly double the concentration of MHREO compared to previous holes drilled completed in 2021 farther to the west, into higher temperature calc-potassic alteration with stronger niobium mineralization. The MHREO content is important because it includes terbium and dysprosium oxides, which are more valuable because they are essential for the production of permanent magnets used in electric vehicles and wind energy turbines.




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