Figure 1:

Figure 1:

Schematic model of mineralization within a typical tourmaline breccia pipe (adapted from Kirwin, 2019). Tourmaline breccia pipes can extend over 2 or 3 km in depth. Mineralization within a breccia pipe is typically uniform throughout the top of the breccias (the ‘roof’) while at greater depths the breccia pipe widens with higher-grade mineralization becoming focused along the margins and ends (‘lobes’) in intrusion-related breccia pipes. The drill holes at SFdLA are interpreted to have intersected the roof and lobes of the breccia pipe, while recent holes SFDH-014, SFDH-015 and SFDH-020 are interpreted to have intersected the top of the breccia ‘core’ zone.




Turmalina Metals Corp.
