
Dr. Omid Termechi is an expert implantologist and Dental Implant Surgical Seminar founder. “In life ‘Practice Makes Perfect,’ yet to do dental implant surgery properly, it’s ‘Perfect Practice Makes Perfect,’” Dr. Omid Termechi tells his students. “When surgery is involved, there is a proper protocol and procedure to follow to ensure patient safety, improved outcomes, and ethical dentistry. Our innovative training teaches you the right way to do implantology the first time. It’s easier to learn it right the first time than to try to unlearn bad habits.” He adds, “We’re sticklers on teaching our 16 dentists to do it right the first time so that any other dentist who sees your work on a former patient will say “that’s beautiful work, they did a great job.” To learn about this innovative training, visit: https://www.dentalimplantsurgicalseminar.com. The next 2 courses are Dec. 2018 (advanced) and Feb. 2019 (beg.-intermediate).




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