Ratos: Interim report January-March 2015
May 07, 2015 02:00 ET | Ratos
body { font-family: Arial, Verdana, Helvetica; font-size: 13px;} table.hugin { border-color:black;} td.hugin { padding: 3px; border-color:black;} This information is disclosed in accordance...
Biotie announces irr
Biotie announces irrevocable subscription undertakings for Convertible Notes from existing shareholders and amends proposals to the Annual General Meeting regarding the relevant authorizations
May 07, 2015 02:00 ET | Biotie Therapies
BIOTIE THERAPIES CORP.                   STOCK EXCHANGE RELEASE              7 May 2015 at 9.00 a.m. Not for release, publication or distribution, directly or indirectly, in whole or in part, in...
GWS Production AB  h
GWS Production AB hereby announces that the new date for the Annual General Meeting will be June 17th 2015.
May 07, 2015 02:00 ET | GWS Production AB
Changed date for Annual General Meeting GWS Production AB hereby announces that the new date for the Annual General Meeting will be 17 of June 2015.  The GWS share is listed on NASDAQ OMX...
Year-end Report 2014/15
May 07, 2015 02:00 ET | Lagercrantz Group AB
1 April 2014 – 31 March 2015 (12 months) · Net revenue for 2014/15 increased by 12 percent to MSEK 2,846 (2,546). Organic growth measured in local currency was 5 percent for comparable units. ·...
Delårsrapport 1 januari – 31 mars 2015
May 07, 2015 02:00 ET | Feelgood Svenska AB
+-------------------------+------------+------------+ |BELOPP I MKR |Jan-mar 2015|Jan-mar 2014| +-------------------------+------------+------------+ |Nettoomsättning | ...
Mat och hälsa i centrum
May 07, 2015 02:00 ET | ICA Gruppen AB
ICA Gruppen presenterar idag hållbarhetsrapporten för första kvartalet 2015. Rapporten går igenom viktiga händelser och insatser inom miljö, kvalitet, etisk handel, hälsa och samhällsengagemang. –...
Focus on food and health
May 07, 2015 02:00 ET | ICA Gruppen AB
ICA Gruppen presents its Sustainability Report for the first quarter of 2015 today. The report covers important events and initiatives within the environment, quality, ethical trade, health and...
Kommuniké från Nischer ABs årsstämma den 6 maj 2015
May 07, 2015 02:00 ET | Nischer AB
Stämman fastslog bolagets resultat- och balansräkning samt beviljade styrelseledamöterna och verkställande direktören ansvarsfrihet. Stämman fastställde antalet styrelseledamöter till tre ordinarie...
Peab Gets New Road Assignment in Gothenburg
May 07, 2015 02:00 ET | Peab AB
Peab has been contracted to perform the "base maintenance road" on public roads within the operating range Kungälv. The customer is Swedish Transport Administration and the contract amounts to...
BioGaia AB Interim M
BioGaia AB Interim Management Report 1 January – 31 March 2015
May 07, 2015 02:00 ET | BioGaia AB
CEO´s comments: “First-quarter sales rose by 49%, or by 37% after adjustment for foreign exchange effects. While the figures for the quarter are, obviously, satisfactory, a rolling 12-month review...