3GSM Association Names Kineto Wireless a Finalist for Best Technology Innovation Award at 3GSM World Congress

Kineto Mobile Over Wireless LAN Solution Recognized as a Big Opportunity for the Mobile Industry


 WHAT:          Kineto Wireless, a key innovator and leading supplier
                of Mobile over Wireless LAN (MoWLAN) solutions, was
                named a finalist for the 3GSM World Congress
                Technology Innovation Award by an international panel
                of telecommunications industry specialists.  This
                year's winners will be announced at the 2004 GSM
                Association Awards dinner on February 24,
                2004 in Cannes, France.

                The Technology Innovation Award, considered one of the
                most popular categories, is designed to highlight the
                best of leading-edge, cost-effective infrastructure or
                network solutions that enhance network or service
                performance, benefiting mobile network operators.

                Based on the Kineto INC-5501, the Kineto MoWLAN
                solution enables mobile operators to leverage VoIP
                and the rapid deployment of WLANs within homes,
                offices and hot spots to deliver high-performance
                mobile voice and data services indoors at
                significantly lower cost than existing mobile network
                technologies.  By deploying a Kineto INC-5501 in its
                core network, mobile operators can allow subscribers
                to roam seamlessly between mobile networks and WLANs.

 WHO:           Kineto Wireless delivers solutions that enable the
                convergence of mobile, VoIP and WLANs to create the
                next big opportunity.  Kineto's Mobile over WLAN
                (MoWLAN) solution enables service providers to deliver
                high-performance mobile voice and data services over
                WLANs located within homes, offices and hot spots at
                significantly lower cost than existing 2.5 and 3G
                mobile network technologies.  As a result,
                subscribers can use their mobile phone as their
                primary, if not only, communications device.  As an
                international company, Kineto Wireless does business
                with leading service providers, handset suppliers and
                infrastructure providers worldwide.  For more
                information about Kineto Wireless, please visit

 OPPORTUNITIES: For information on Kineto Wireless and the company's
                solutions please contact Stephanie Spangler or Valerie
                Christopherson via phone at +1 714-540-1030 ext. 17 or
                14 or via e-mail at sspangler@bockpr.com or


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