321Notify.com Launches as First Safety Precaution for Teens Online

Free Personal Emergency Notification System Provides Security Options for MySpace Generation

SAN DIEGO, April 11, 2006 (PRIMEZONE) -- Secure Networks USA (SECNETUSA) today unveiled a free personal security platform called www.321Notify.com, designed for individuals who would like to be more proactive about their safety or the safety of their loved ones. Specifically targeted at the "MySpace generation", 321Notify is especially beneficial for individuals who are actively involved in online networking sites. 321Notify's premier web-based Personal Emergency Notification System (PENS), enables users to prepare for the unexpected and schedule timed-release notifications in the event of an emergency.

Law enforcement officials estimate that as many as 50,000 sexual predators are online at any given moment (Dateline NBC, January 2006). 321Notify.com was developed by SECNETUSA -- a team of safety-conscious parents and single professionals who were alarmed by the increasing prevalence of online predators and abduction stories that continue to be reported.

Through 321Notify, individuals can schedule timed-release emergency messages in advance to be sent to a pre-selected list of loved ones (friends, family, etc.) or the authorities via IM, SMS text message and/or email (coming soon: land-based telephone lines).

321Notify allows its users to create complete folders to store pertinent information about the people they are meeting online (contact info, employer/occupation, school/university, photos, phone number, address, location of where they will be meeting in-person, etc.). If an emergency were to occur, the system will forward all of this information to the 321Notify user's pre-designated list of emergency contacts.

321Notify is ideal for individuals who are:

-- Involved in online communities (blogs, chat rooms, message boards, etc.)

-- Teenagers using web-based networking sites like MySpace.com

-- Business travelers

-- Into extreme sports, avid hikers, campers and/or adventure travelers

-- In a high risk job (police, military, pilots, coal miners, etc.)

-- In the path of a natural disaster (hurricane, tsunami, flash flood, fire territories)

"Anyone from a female athlete who runs alone each morning to a soldier in the military overseas can greatly benefit from adopting 321Notify as a daily safety precaution," said Dr. Julie Brush ND, 321Notify user. "Even though it's unlikely that an emergency will occur, its reassuring and comforting to know that your loved ones would have access to a range of information about your whereabouts, plans and personal wishes in case the unexpected happens."

321Notify offers a range of safety precautions for its users. The system provides a "321 Security Seal" and encourages users to post it as they would any other image or photo when creating a blog or joining a new online community, to ward off online predators. By taking this additional precautionary measure, the user shows that they are conscious and proactive about their personal safety. The seal can also be especially helpful for parents who wish to teach their kids about being responsible online.

For an increased level of protection, a 321Notify user could schedule a timed-release notification (with a folder containing all the pertinent info) to be sent to their selected contacts before they go to meet their "online" friends in person, or engage in a potentially dangerous activity (such as backpacking or traveling alone somewhere). Should an emergency occur and the user does not cancel the notification, their loved ones would receive a notification by email, SMS text, and/or IM and be able to access detailed information about their friend's whereabouts.

Should a 321Notify user wish to "disable" a notification that is scheduled to go out to designated contact/s, they can easily access the 321Notify mobile site via mobile phone to cancel the notification. The system is compatible with most web-enabled mobile phones.


SECNETUSA is the developer of the world's first web-based Personal Emergency Notification System for singles, teens and other safety-conscious individuals to protect themselves and/or the ones they love against dangerous situations that are inherent in the Internet age. Whether you are meeting new people online or offline, your safety is in your own hands. SECNETUSA is looking forward to working closely with law enforcement and the community to make the web a safer place.

For more information about 321Notify.com, please visit www.321Notify.com. SECNETUSA has also launched www.securesingles.com, designed for singles dating both online and offline. SECNETUSA is also the force behind www.321pods.org, a non-profit organization that offers these notification tools customized for non-profit organizations, law enforcement, schools, communities, etc.

The 321Notify logo is available at: http://www.primezone.com/newsroom/prs/?pkgid=2524


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