Magnatag's SafetyCross Magnetic Whiteboards Engage Employees in Making Safety Awareness a Daily Job

SafetyCross Boards Display to Workers and Managers the Long-Term Safety Record for Each Department -- One Day, Week, Month or Year at a Time

MACEDON, N.Y., Sept. 27, 2006 (PRIMEZONE) -- Safety is a top priority for any manager and supervisor in a factory, plant, stockroom or worksite. But unfortunately, workplace safety awareness is not always up front in the minds of workers. With that in mind, Magnatag(r) Visible Systems has introduced its solid-green SafetyCross(r) motivational line of magnetic printed white board kits.

Prominently displayed in the workplace, each employee team posts its own SafetyCross board with magnets, visually engaging them in safety awareness all day, showing each safe day, week or month with a green magnet. A red or yellow "accident" magnet stands out among a collection of safe, green magnets on the SafetyCross but is an incentive to improve. It's a win-win situation for everyone concerned.

"There is nothing more important than the safety of workers in any facility, but employees and managers alike can fall into bad habits -- taking short cuts or not communicating about safety,'' said Wally Krapf, founder and President of Magnatag Visible Systems. "Some customers will post several years of SafetyCrosses. So a proud accident-free or embarrassing unsafe accident year lives on in people's minds. The visible message of Magnatag's magnetic SafetyCross is very powerful."

Customers are already using SafetyCross systems as a critical tool in their workplaces:

 -- "They are an important part of our Safety Awareness Program," said
     a safety manager for an auto parts manufacturer, a 600-employee
     facility in Holland, Mich. "Nobody wants to have someone from
     another department come by and see a red or yellow mark (denoting
     an accident) in their area."

 -- "Bringing the boards and the emphasis on safety down to the
     department level has made our program twice as effective. Our
     departments take a good bit of pride in logging a few green
     accident-free months," said a manager of industrial safety and
     hygiene for a floor covering manufacturer of Lyerly, S.C., a
     900-employee facility.

 -- "When an accident pops up people are very aware of it, very
     concerned about the cause and that is exactly what I want it to
     do," said a safety manager for an electronics manufacturer in
     Lexington, N.C.

 -- "The boards really help get the message out; we use three, one each
     in the entrance, cafeteria and the shop floor,'' said a safety
     and hygiene coordinator for a 200-employee auto parts
     manufacturer in Lugoff, S.C. "We've had our best results when we
     post the information prominently. The boards really help get the
     message out."

SafetyCross boards let workers and supervisors track a full year of safety one day, week or month at a time. They come in two sizes: 2' by 2' boards you can read from 10 feet; and 3' by 3' boards readable at 50 feet. Kits include die-cut magnets in three colors to mark accidents and accident-free periods. The boards are priced from $239 with quantity pricing available for multiple boards purchased in the same transaction. For more information on the SafetyCross systems, visit

About Magnatag Visible Systems

Magnatag Visible Systems is a leading manufacturer and direct provider of industrial-quality magnetic printed whiteboards and organizational tools for displaying information in the workplace. Magnatag has designed, patented, manufactured and directly furnished industry and task-specific visible information display kits and products for 39 years. With over 2,300 different kits to plan, track, schedule and display information, they enable managers across all industries to visibly organize, update and communicate ongoing workplace activities.

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