Magnatag Helps Landscapers Grow Their Business With Task-Specific Magnetic Scheduling Board Kits

Systems to Track Equipment, Customers, Tasks, Work Time and Workers Help Lawn and Garden Professionals Raise More Green

      "You can't grow without help," one landscaper reports.

MACEDON, N.Y., Dec. 18, 2006 (PRIME NEWSWIRE) -- With dozens of customers, varying number of seasonal workers and numerous pieces of equipment to organize, owners of landscaping businesses can spend hours on logistics and scheduling the next day's jobs which can be instantly upset by unpredictable weather and then need to be quickly and flexibly re-scheduled. Longer-term issues of scheduling equipment maintenance and semi-regular tasks also require better planning tools.

Magnatag(r) Visible Systems has introduced several magnetic whiteboard systems to ease the burden of logistics on owners of landscaping businesses. Among the most effective systems is the WorkView(tm) Daily Line Item Service Schedule board system, which enables owners to track workers, equipment and customer jobs for a month or season.

"Communication in any job is critical, but landscapers must be able to easily schedule hundreds of jobs, customers and equipment in a way that is clear, understandable and easy to view in one glance," said Wally Krapf, founder and President of Magnatag Visible Systems. "These Landscaper's boards are allowing these jobs to be scheduled well in advance, taking unnecessary pressure off owners, foremen and supervisors and letting them quickly see the moves they need to make to get the maximum return on their equipment and labor investment. Landscapers are telling us the flexibility and ease of use have made a big difference in scheduling their jobs."

Customers report that the WorkView(tm) board and other systems have instantly improved operations within their businesses:

 * "The schedule used to be in someone's head which was dangerous. Now
   that we are bigger, we put all our hard and soft projects on the
   board and work the schedule at staff meetings. We love the board,"
   said the manager of a Scottsdale, AZ landscape construction company.
 * "I used to keep everything in my black book, but you aren't going to
   grow without help. Now, with the boards (my people) can load up the
   trucks the night before with out me being there," said the owner of
   a Long Island, NY landscaping company.
 * "We needed to become more proactive with our maintenance. We need to
   have our equipment in good working order and available when we need
   it, not in a repair shop,'' said a vice president of an Ohio
   landscaping company.
 * "We use the board to keep track of each stage of a job," said a
   general manager of a Maryland landscaping company.

Magnatag's landscape board systems include all the magnets, tabs, cards, tape and other equipment necessary to track employees, equipment, and customers. Other systems include the Do-Done Job Stage Tracker, The 31-Day Crew Schedule board and the Service Route Schedule system. For more information, visit

About Magnatag(r) Visible Systems

Magnatag(r) Visible Systems, located in Macedon, NY, is a leading manufacturer and direct provider of industrial-quality magnetic printed whiteboard kits and organizational tools for displaying information in the workplace. Magnatag has designed, patented, manufactured and directly furnished visible information display kits and products for 40 years to industry, business, government, institutions and organizations. With over 2,300 different task-specific kits, they enable managers across all industries, business, government, institutions and organizations to visibly organize, plan, schedule, track, update and communicate ongoing workplace activities 24-7 to everyone involved.

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