Delivery of M/S Star

Today  a  new  generation high speed  vessel  M/S  Star  was
delivered   from  Aker  Yards  OY  to  AS  Tallink   Grupp's
subsidiary Tallink Hansaway Limited.

The vessel with a price of over 110 million EUR was financed
by  Nordea  Bank in cooperation with Finnish  Export  Credit
Agency Finnvera.

The  new  1A  ice class vessel will be able to provide  year
round  high speed service between Helsinki and Tallinn.  M/S
Star  will sail between Helsinki and Tallinn in less than  2

New  vessel has a gross tonnage of 33 000, length of 186 and
width  of  27,7 meters, power of engines is 48  000  kW  and
speed  27,5  knots. M/S Star has 11 decks, 2300  seats,  520
beds and can accommodate up to 1900 passengers. The car deck
of  2000 lane meters has space for up to 120 trucks  or  450

Janek Stalmeister
Financial Director
AS Tallink Grupp
Tel: +372 6409 800