Orders for V80-2.0 MW wind turbines from the Chinese market

Copenhagen Stock Exchange                                                       
Nikolaj Plads 6                                                                 
1067 Copenhagen K                                                               

Randers, 10 April 2007                                                         
Stock exchange announcement No. 14/2007                                        


Orders for V80-2.0 MW wind turbines from the Chinese market                     

Vestas has received two orders each consisting of 25 units of V80-2.0 MW wind   
turbines for a 100 MW wind power project in China.                              

The orders have been placed by Datang Chifeng Saihanba Wind Power Co., Ltd., a  
state-owned utility and developer and among the “big five” in China's electric  
power sector. The orders comprise supply of complete turbines including towers  
as well as commissioning, VestasOnline™ SCADA system and a two-year maintenance 
and service agreement. Delivery of the turbines will begin in the second half of
2007, and the project will be located in Chifeng in Inner Mongolia.             

“The signing of the contracts is yet another milestone in our close relationship
with Datang,” says Thorbjørn N Rasmussen, President of Vestas Asia Pacific A/S  
and continues: “We are extremely pleased to enter into these contracts with     
Datang, one of the leading wind power operators in China and a long-term        
customer of Vestas. Furthermore, we look forward to supplying the wind turbines 
from our Chinese manufacturing facility in Tianjin.”                            
The above orders do not affect the Vestas Group's expectations for 2007 cf.     
Stock exchange announcement No. 6/2007of 20 March 2007.                         

Any questions may be addressed to Thorbjørn N Rasmussen, President of Vestas    
Asia Pacific A/S, telephone +65 6303 6510/+65 96606510 or to Peter Wenzel Kruse,
Vice President of Communication & IR at Vestas Wind Systems A/S, telephone +45  
9730 0000.                                                                      

Yours sincerely                                                                 
Vestas Wind Systems A/S	                                                        

Ditlev Engel                                                                    
President and CEO

