ContextWeb's ADSDAQ Becomes First Online Advertising Exchange to Implement comScore's Campaign Metrix Solutions API

Interactive Advertising Agencies Use comScore's Campaign Metrix Solutions to Prove Effectiveness of Online Ad Campaigns on ContextWeb's Premium Ad Exchange

NEW YORK, July 31, 2007 (PRIME NEWSWIRE) -- ContextWeb, Inc., the creator of the ADSDAQ premium ad exchange, today announced that ADSDAQ will be the first online advertising exchange to implement the comScore Campaign Metrix API for Ad Networks and Publishers. The API enables interactive advertising agencies to use comScore Campaign Metrix solutions to prove the effectiveness of their online ad campaigns on ContextWeb's premium ad exchange. Campaign Metrix provides post-buy analysis for ADSDAQ's advertising campaigns and delivers metrics familiar to the offline world, such as reach, frequency, and gross ratings points (GRPs); person-level demographics of the consumers who were reached; and a true count of unique consumers.

Anand Subramanian, CEO of ContextWeb, said, "Today's online advertising has moved well beyond just impressions and clicks. Ad agencies and their clients need to know the impact of their online campaigns and how this compares to their offline campaigns. As a premium exchange, we believe this information is critical for continued online advertising growth and effectiveness. That's why we are becoming the first online advertising exchange to implement the API to comScore's Campaign Metrix."

Erin Hunter, comScore executive vice president of media and entertainment, added, "Our API allows clients to simply share information. We're delighted that ContextWeb's premium ad exchange, ADSDAQ, is becoming the first online advertising exchange to implement the comScore Campaign Metrix API, which helps demonstrate the effectiveness of ad campaigns by measuring the impact on consumers' Internet activity, including lift in website visitation, engagement, and trademark search activity, as well as competitive share of mind analysis."

Currently, several advertisers are utilizing the comScore API through ContextWeb to determine campaign effectiveness, including Trane. "The post campaign reporting offered through ContextWeb's ADSDAQ exchange will allow us to better plan, buy and evaluate our advertising online and off," according to Michael Baliber, Account Director at ID Media who oversees Trane digital media plan and buy.

About ContextWeb and ADSDAQ

ContextWeb, Inc. eliminates barriers in online advertising by creating and running ADSDAQ, a premium ad exchange. ADSDAQ is the only online advertising exchange to provide pricing control to both publishers and advertisers, making the open ad exchange the "first stop" for premium inventory.

ContextWeb was founded in 2000 and is based in New York. The company's patent-pending ContextAd(tm) technology converts billions of publisher impressions into standardized Contextual Tradable Units(tm) (CTUs) by reading the content of each page in real-time. Advertisers can then purchase relevant impressions from more than 350 of ContextWeb's categories.

The ContextWeb, Inc. logo is available at


Biff Burns

ContextWeb, Inc.
