DGAP-News: EquityStory AG:

EquityStory AG / Alliance


Release of a Corporate-announcement, transmitted by DGAP - a company of EquityStory AG.
The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.

EquityStory AG and OMX AB sign agreement on distribution partnership
Announcement on cooperation in order to utilise both partner’s distribution
channels in the Central Europe’s German language area as well as in the
Nordic and Baltic region.

Munich – 17/12/2007

EquityStory AG (ISIN: DE0005494165) and OMX have agreed to cooperate in the
field of distribution of corporate news with immediate effect. Clients will
now benefit from the optimal use of both partner’s distribution networks in
Central Europe’s German language area as well as in Scandinavia and the
Baltic states.

OMX started its news distribution service simultaneously with the
implementation of the EU-Transparency Guideline in the Nordic and Baltic
region. The service has been developed for OMX-listed companies to comply
with regulatory requirements. Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Iceland, Estonia,
Latvia and Lithuania belong to the multi-country OMX Nordic Exchange.

The distribution of the corporate announcements will be carried out via
OMX’ distribution network and reach numerous news agencies, vendors,
banks, financial service providers, financial portals as well as the entire
media focussing on financial topics in the Nordic and Baltic region.

Peter Belling, Senior Vice President, Information Services, OMX: 'We are
proud that Equity Story has evaluated the news distributors in the Nordic
region and has found that OMX is the one with the strongest network. With
this agreement OMX will provide strong added value to customers of Equity
Story including corporate news from listed companies on OMX Nordic
Exchange. At the same time the agreement will create more content to our
customers on the receiver site; the media, banks and vendors which are
using our NewsClient and our feeds.'

Achim Weick, CEO of EquityStory AG stated: 'We are delighted for our
customers as the partnership with OMX on the news distribution service
guarantees the most optimal distribution of their corporate announcements
throughout Scandinavia and the Baltic states. We are continuously improving
our international distribution network and we are confident to announce
further cooperations in the near future.'

Further notice:
You can also istantly receive free company notifications of EquityStory AG
on your mobile device. We will inform you via text messages and offer you
to download the news to your mobile phone. Register in the investor
relations section at www.equitystory.de.

About OMX | OMX is a leading expert in the exchange industry. The OMX
Nordic Exchange comprises over 800 companies including its alternative
market First North. OMX provides technology to over 60 exchanges, clearing
organizations and central securities depositories in over 50 countries. The
Nordic Exchange is not a legal entity, but describes the common offering
from OMX exchanges in Helsinki, Copenhagen, Stockholm, Iceland, Tallinn,
Riga and Vilnius. OMX is a Nordic Large Cap company in the Financials
sector on the OMX Nordic Exchange. For more information, please visit

About the EquityStory group of companies: 
The EquityStory AG is the market leader for online investor relations in
the German-speaking region, and renders extensive business services in the
areas comprising reporting requirements, finance portals, audio and video
broadcasts of investor events, online financial reports as well as
outsourced websites for over 1,250 listed enterprises at home and abroad. 
By acquiring capital stakes in ARIVA.DE AG (25 %) and financial.de AG (100
%) EquityStory AG has entered the growth markets of online advertising and
b2c investor relations. The sphere of reporting requirements is bundled in
the subsidiary Deutsche Gesellschaft für Ad-hoc-Publizität mbH (DGAP). The
DGAP is an institution for the fulfilment of regulatory publicity for
listed companies, and has been the market leader since the formation in
1996. The services encompass ad-hoc notifications, ERS, directors’
dealings, WpÜG [Securities Acquisition and Takeover Act], the new
notification obligations in accordance with the Transparency Directive
Implementing Law as well as the dispatch of corporate news and press
reports. The corporate group employs financial analysts, communications
experts and software engineers, and thus has the three core competencies
for online investor relations. The EquityStory concern currently has a
staff of 43 and will realise a turnover in the amount of 8 million Euros in

EquityStory AG
Robert Wirth

Tel   +49(0)89 210298-34
Fax   +49(0)89 210298-49
Email robert.wirth@equitystory.de

Seitzstraße 23
80538 München


DGAP 17.12.2007 
Language:     English
Issuer:       EquityStory AG
              Seitzstraße 23
              80538 München
Phone:        +49(0)89 210298-0
Fax:          +49(0)89 210298-49
E-mail:       info@equitystory.com
Internet:     www.equitystory.de
ISIN:         DE0005494165
WKN:          549416
Listed:       Freiverkehr in Berlin, Düsseldorf, Stuttgart; Entry Standard
              in Frankfurt
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