Lexvista and Vallex Fund Announce New Seminar Series On Change in the Legal Marketplace

ANN ARBOR, Mich. and ANDOVER, Mass., July 8, 2008 (PRIME NEWSWIRE) -- Lexvista LLC (www.lexvista.com) and The Vallex Fund (www.VallexFund.com) announced today a new seminar series tracking change and change agents in the legal industry. The series is entitled "Wired GC -- Off the Meter" and will be available through Lexvista's Wired GC weblog (www.wiredgc.com).

The every-other-month series is sponsored exclusively by The Vallex Fund.

Purpose of the Seminar Series

"Lexvista is excited to bring this series to life through the support of The Vallex Fund," commented John Wallbillich, CEO of Lexvista. "We have a great topic for our first installment and look forward to bringing new ideas and perspectives forward for discussion, debate, and perhaps as a catalyst for action."

"We formed The Vallex Fund to help facilitate more accountability, transparency, productivity, and innovative competition in the legal market," commented Ronald Gruner, president of The Vallex Fund. "Our sponsorship of these seminars will provide interested lawyers and entrepreneurs insights into the opportunities and innovations occurring in today's legal market."

The First Seminar and Registration

The first seminar in the "Wired GC -- Off the Meter" series is on July 17, 2008, at 2:30 p.m. EDT. The title is "Using Discovery as a Learning Tool" and will be hosted by John Wallbillich and feature three leaders in this growth area: David Galbenski, CEO of Lumen Legal, Jim Daley, partner with Redgrave Daley Ragan and Wagner, and Gary Hayden, director, Intelligent Discovery Solutions, Inc (and former associate general counsel of Ford Motor Credit Company).

The focus is on extracting value out of discovery for the business client, beyond merely meeting court-imposed deadlines.

Each seminar is 45 minutes in length, and the focus is on new ideas, not old sales approaches. Registration is easy, just go to:


Registrants will receive complimentary access to the live seminar via a convenient webcast, and access to seminar archives if they are unable to attend. In addition, registrants will also receive a copy of the seminar white paper, "Changing the Law: Metrics and Milestones."

Additional Information

Lexvista LLC was founded by John Wallbillich in late 2006. John was an energy industry general counsel and senior executive for over 12 years. Lexvista provides advisory services and performance development tools to the corporate legal market. John also created the Wired GC in December 2004 as the first weblog about the role of the general counsel and the inside practice of law. Additional information about Lexvista is available at www.lexvista.com.

The Vallex Fund was founded by Ronald Gruner in late 2007. Ron has been an entrepreneur nearly his entire career. His former company, Shareholder.com, an early advocate for better shareholder communications, was acquired by The Nasdaq Stock Market in January, 2006. Additional information on The Vallex Fund can be obtained via the Internet by visiting: www.VallexFund.com.



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