Pulaski Financial Reports Third Fiscal Quarter Diluted Earnings per Share of $0.16 After Recording Separation-Related Charges of $0.10 per Diluted Share

ST. LOUIS, MO--(Marketwire - July 22, 2008) -

--  Net income for quarter totals $1.7 million compared with $2.0 million
    a year ago; Includes $989,000 in after-tax charges for separation payments
    and other expenses related to resignation of former chief executive officer
--  Diluted earnings per share of $0.16 for quarter compared with $0.19
    last year; Separation-related charges total $0.10 per diluted share
--  Net interest income up 31% for quarter and 26% for year on strong
    growth in average loans and core deposits; Net interest margin expands to
--  Core deposits increase 7% on growth in retail checking account
    balances; Retail banking fees up 5% for quarter and 19% for year
--  Mortgage revenues up 18% for year on widened gross sales margins
--  Provision for loan losses totals $2.1 million for quarter versus net
    charge-offs of $1.3 million resulting in reserve build of $800,000 and
    ratio of allowance to total loans of 1.04%
--  Bank maintains "well-capitalized" status including 8.29% Tier 1
    leverage capital ratio at June 30, 2008

Pulaski Financial Corp. (NASDAQ: PULB) today announced net income for the quarter ended June 30, 2008 of $1.7 million, or $0.16 per diluted share, compared with earnings of $2.0 million, or $0.19 per diluted share, during the same quarter a year ago. For the nine months ended June 30, 2008, net income was $6.9 million, or $0.68 per diluted share, compared with net income of $6.7 million, or $0.65 per diluted share, for the nine months ended June 30, 2007. Results for the three- and nine-month periods ended June 30, 2008 included an after-tax charge of $989,000, or $0.10 per diluted share, for a separation payment and other expenses related to the resignation of the Company's former chief executive officer on May 1, 2008.

Gary Douglass, President and Chief Executive Officer, commented, "We continued to produce very good results at a time when many in our industry are dealing with significant problems. Despite the expenses related to the resignation of our former CEO and a historically high provision for loan losses reflecting the challenging economic environment, we still earned $1.7 million for the quarter. We saw significant growth in our net interest income due to strong growth in our average loan balances and core deposits. We also saw strong expansion in our net interest margin. We experienced significant loan growth on loans made to solid commercial customers. We continued to be classified as 'well capitalized' under federal regulations including an 8.29 percent Tier 1 leverage capital ratio and continued to strengthen our credit reserves. In addition, we previously announced a 6 percent increase in our quarterly dividend to 9.5 cents per share at a time when many other banking institutions are reducing or eliminating their dividends."

Net Interest Income Increases on Strong Commercial Loan and Core Deposit Growth

Net interest income rose $2.2 million, or 31%, to $9.5 million for the third fiscal quarter of 2008 compared with $7.3 million for the same period a year ago. For the nine-month period, net interest income increased $5.4 million, or 26%, to $26.6 million. Results for the quarter were driven by strong growth in the average balance of loans receivable, which increased $158.0 million, or 18%, to $1.053 billion compared with the same period a year ago. For the nine-month period, the average balance of loans receivable increased $174.9 million to $1.029 billion. Loans receivable totaled $1.060 billion at June 30, 2008 compared with $1.035 billion at March 31, 2008 and $949.8 million at September 30, 2007. Commercial real estate and commercial and industrial loans accounted for substantially all of this growth.

The net interest margin increased to 3.23% for the three months ended June 30, 2008 compared with 3.03% for the linked quarter ended March 31, 2008 and 2.87% for the comparable quarter a year ago. Contributing to the improved net interest margin was growth in core deposits, which continues to be one of the Company's primary strategic objectives. This strategy has yielded continued success as core deposits, which include checking, money market and passbook accounts, rose 7%, or $26.9 million, during the quarter and 29%, or $93.4 million, for the nine-month period to $411.1 million at June 30, 2008. The Company's newest banking locations in Richmond Heights, Clayton, and downtown St. Louis had combined deposits totaling nearly $55.1 million, which was well ahead of management's projections.

The Company's net interest margin also benefited from an increased utilization of lower-cost wholesale borrowings, which were used to fund asset growth and pay off brokered deposits. Total deposits declined $22.4 million during the quarter to $833.4 million at June 30, 2008 due to a $49.4 million decline in brokered deposits, which was offset by a $53.0 million combined net increase in wholesale borrowings from the Federal Reserve and the Federal Home Loan Bank. Borrowings from the Federal Reserve increased from $0 to $95.0 million at June 30, 2008 while Federal Home Loan Bank borrowings declined $42.0 million during the quarter to $223.0 million.

Non-Interest Income Continues to Grow as Pulaski Gains Market Share

Non-interest income was up 4% for the current-year quarter due to increased retail banking and investment brokerage revenues and solid mortgage revenues. For the nine-month period, non-interest income was up 21% on increased mortgage revenues, retail banking fees and investment brokerage revenues.

Douglass commented, "Our conservative mortgage business model is resulting in continued growth in non-interest income at a time when most mortgage companies are experiencing significant losses. We are gaining market share in Kansas City and St. Louis as customers are increasingly choosing Pulaski because of our quality reputation in these markets. Today we can boast that we are one of the top mortgage originators in both markets."

Mortgage revenues increased 18% to $5.3 million for the nine months ended June 30, 2008 on loan sales of $1.0 billion in 2008 compared with revenues of $4.5 million on loan sales of $991.4 million in the same 2007 period. For the quarter, mortgage revenues declined 8% to $1.9 million on loan sales of $332 million in 2008 compared with revenues of $2.0 million on loan sales of $399 million for the same period last year. The Company experienced a modest reduction in loan sales activity in the June 2008 quarter as the result of weakened loan demand caused by an overall shrinkage in the number of qualified credit-worthy borrowers in the market. However, the Company realized higher gross revenue margins during the 2008 periods due to reduced market competition. Mortgage revenues for the three and nine months ended June 30, 2008 were reduced by a $200,000 settlement payment related to early payment defaults on loans sold to one of the Company's major loan investors. Management currently does not anticipate similar settlements with its other investors.

Retail banking fees increased 5% to $961,000 for the quarter and 19% year to date to $2.9 million, driven primarily by growth in retail checking accounts. Investment brokerage revenues were up 68% to $266,000 for the current-year quarter and 57% year to date to $837,000 as the result of successful sales efforts to new customers combined with an improved bond sales environment caused by the steepened yield curve.

Non-interest Expense

Total non-interest expense increased $2.8 million, or 48%, to $8.5 million for the quarter ended June 30, 2008 compared with $5.8 million for the same period a year ago and increased $5.2 million, or 31%, to $22.2 million for the nine months ended June 30, 2008 compared with $16.9 million for the nine months ended June 30, 2007. Non-interest expense for the 2008 periods included a $1.6 million charge for the separation-related expenses resulting from the resignation of the Company's former chief executive officer on May 1, 2008. In addition, the strategic growth in the number of banking locations in 2007 significantly increased non-interest expense during the 2008 periods.

Salaries and employee benefits expense increased $1.7 million to $4.5 million for the quarter ended June 30, 2008 compared with $2.8 million for the quarter ended June 30, 2007 and increased $2.5 million to $10.7 million for the nine months ended June 30, 2008 compared with $8.3 million for the nine months ended June 30, 2007. In addition to the separation payment made to the former CEO, the increases resulted from the expenses associated with the additional employees at the new Clayton and downtown St. Louis bank locations opened during the second half of calendar year 2007 and staff expansion necessary to support increased commercial loan activity.

Occupancy, equipment and data processing expense increased $314,000 to $1.8 million for the three-month period ended June 30, 2008 compared with $1.5 million for the three-month period ended June 30, 2007 and increased to $5.2 million for the nine months ended June 30, 2008 compared with $4.1 million for the nine months ended June 30, 2007. The increases were primarily due to the new Clayton and downtown St. Louis bank locations and increased data processing costs related to increased loan and deposit activity.

FDIC deposit insurance premium expense increased $160,000 to $182,000 for the quarter ended June 30, 2008 compared with the same 2007 quarter and increased to $572,000 for the nine months ended June 30, 2008 compared with $62,000 for the same 2007 period. The increases were a result of the final utilization of the one-time assessment credit during the quarter ended December 31, 2007, which was provided to eligible insured depository institutions under the Federal Deposit Insurance Reform Act of 2005. Absent any premium increase resulting from recent bank failures, management expects future quarterly FDIC insurance premium expense to be consistent with the amount recorded in the quarter ended June 30, 2008.

Data processing termination expense totaled $220,000 for the nine months ended June 30, 2007 due to the write-off of capitalized expenses related to the termination of a contract to convert the Company's core data processing system. The Company recovered $180,000 of this expense during the quarter ended June 30, 2008.

Real estate foreclosure losses and expense include realized losses on the final disposition of foreclosed properties, additional write-downs for declines in the fair market values of properties subsequent to foreclosure and expenses incurred in connection with maintaining the properties until they are sold. Real estate foreclosure losses and expense increased $534,000 to $677,000 for the quarter ended June 30, 2008 compared with $143,000 for the same quarter last year and increased $597,000 to $1.1 million for the nine-month period ended June 30, 2008 compared with $463,000 for the same nine-month period last year. The increases were generally due to the overall increased foreclosure activity and the related realized losses on sale, and to a $200,000 additional write-down during the June 2008 quarter related to a $2.3 million commercial office building in St. Louis County, Missouri.

Provision for Income Taxes

The provision for income taxes was $3.3 million in each of the nine-month periods ended June 30, 2008 and 2007. The effective tax rate for the nine months ended June 30, 2008 was 32.5% compared with 33.1% for the same 2007 period. The lower effective tax rate was primarily the result of a $150,000 benefit in the December 2007 quarter related to a change in the estimated amount of the Company's tax liability.

Asset Quality

"Maintaining sound asset quality in the midst of the current environment continues to be one of our top priorities," said Douglass. "We continued to aggressively charge-off losses when they occurred and to strengthen our reserves. We are closely monitoring our troubled assets and continue to work with borrowers in an effort to keep them in their homes. We did not engage in the risky types of lending such as sub-prime or 'alt-A' loans that have contributed to the national credit crisis, so we feel we are well positioned to work through this environment."

The provision for loan losses for the three months ended June 30, 2008 was $2.1 million compared with $1.9 million for the same quarter a year ago and was $4.9 million for the nine months ended June 30, 2008 compared with $3.2 million in the same period last year. The provision for loan losses in the current-year periods related primarily to substantial growth in performing commercial loans, which carry a higher level of inherent risk than residential loans, charge-offs and an increase in the level of non-performing loans. The ratio of the allowance for loan losses to total loans at June 30, 2008 was 1.04% compared with 0.99% at March 31, 2008 and 1.02% at September 30, 2007.

Net charge-offs for the quarter ended June 30, 2008 totaled $1.3 million, or 0.48% of average loans on an annualized basis compared with $1.8 million, or 0.63% of average loans on an annualized basis, for the linked quarter ended March 31, 2008 and $422,000, or 0.17% of average loans on an annualized basis, for the same quarter last year. For the nine-month periods, net charge-offs totaled $3.4 million, or 0.42% of average loans on an annualized basis, in 2008 compared with $985,000, or 0.14% of average loans on an annualized basis in 2007. Net charge-offs in the June 2008 quarter included $911,000 in charge-offs on single-family residential first and second mortgage loans, $276,000 in charge-offs on home equity loans and $121,000 in charge-offs on real estate construction and development loans.

Nonperforming loans increased to $16.1 million at June 30, 2008 from $13.1 million at March 31, 2008 and $10.5 million at September 30, 2007. The increase during the quarter ended June 30, 2008 was primarily due to an increase in troubled debt restructurings caused by the restructuring of a $3.4 million commercial loan. Troubled debt restructurings increased to $5.1 million at June 30, 2008 compared with $2.0 million at March 31, 2008 and $209,000 at September 30, 2007. The largest restructured credit at June 30, 2008 was a $3.4 million loan secured by commercial real estate. Because of the borrower's weakened financial condition, the loan was restructured during the quarter ended June 30, 2008 to reduce the interest rate to a rate that was closer to current market rates, and to extend the amortization term from 25 to 30 years. The remaining balance of troubled debt restructurings at June 30, 2008 consisted of 16 residential mortgage loans to 9 borrowers. The restructured terms of the loans generally included a reduction of the interest rates and the addition of past due interest to the principal balance of the loans. At June 30, 2008, one restructured loan totaling $119,000 was past due 90 days or more under the restructured loan terms. Management believes the loans are adequately collateralized and properly valued at June 30, 2008. The ratio of the allowance for loan losses to non-performing loans was 74.00% at June 30, 2008 compared with 84.85% at March 31, 2008 and 99.44% at September 30, 2007. The decline in the ratio of the allowance to non-performing loans at June 30, 2008 was due to the increase in the level of non-performing loans during the June 2008 quarter, specifically troubled debt restructurings.

Real estate acquired in settlement of loans totaled $4.8 million at June 30, 2008 compared with $6.6 million at March 31, 2008 and $3.1 million at September 30, 2007. The balance at June 30, 2008 consisted of 22 residential real estate properties and three commercial real estate properties in the Company's two primary market areas of St. Louis and Kansas City. The Company's largest foreclosed property at June 30, 2008 was a $2.3 million commercial office building in St. Louis County, Missouri. The property was acquired through foreclosure in January 2008 and management is currently working through lease issues with the tenant and a potential purchaser. Lease payments are being paid as agreed.


"Our core earnings through the first three quarters have exceeded the guidance we provided at the beginning of the year, something not many banks can say, and we expect to meet or exceed those expectations for our final fiscal quarter of 2008. We have delivered this performance despite historically high provisions for loan losses as we continue to aggressively charge-off problem loans, mostly home equity and second mortgage loans, while prudently building reserves in this challenging environment. We wisely chose not to engage in the risky types of lending such as sub-prime or 'Alt-A' loans that have contributed to the national credit crisis. We have diligently maintained our 'well capitalized' regulatory status and, as a result of this strength and our earnings performance, we have recently increased our dividend by 5.6% at a time when most other banks are either slashing or eliminating theirs. Finally, we see opportunity in this challenging environment, as we believe we are experiencing a 'flight to quality' in each of our business lines: commercial, retail and mortgage. We believe existing and new customers are turning to us because they are confident that we will deliver on our commitments and provide them with the high-quality, relationship-oriented service that they expect from their community bank," Douglass commented.

He continued, "Going forward, our near-term focus will be on execution as we digest our recent significant growth and drive improved profitability. We will continue to grow, but in this environment, our growth will be measured and profitable. And, we will practice a keen discipline with respect to capital allocation. Assets must earn their way onto our balance sheet."

Conference Call Tomorrow

Pulaski Financial management will discuss third quarter results and other developments tomorrow, July 23, 2008, during a conference call beginning at 11 a.m. EDT (10 a.m. CDT). The call also will be simultaneously webcast and archived for three months at: http://www.viavid.net/dce.aspx?sid=0000535E. Participants in the conference call may dial 877-407-9039 a few minutes before start time. The call also will be available for replay until August 6, 2008 at 877-660-6853, account number 3055 and conference I.D. 291525.

About Pulaski Financial

Pulaski Financial Corp., operating in its 86th year through its subsidiary, Pulaski Bank, serves customers throughout the St. Louis metropolitan area. The bank offers a full line of quality retail and commercial banking products through 12 full-service branch offices in St. Louis and three loan production offices in Kansas City and the St. Louis metropolitan area. The Company's website can be accessed at www.pulaskibankstl.com.

This news release may contain forward-looking statements about Pulaski Financial Corp., which the Company intends to be covered under the safe harbor provisions contained in the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Statements that are not historical or current facts, including statements about beliefs and expectations, are forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements cover, among other things, anticipated future revenue and expenses and the future plans and prospects of the Company. These statements often include the words "may," "could," "would," "should," "believes," "expects," "anticipates," "estimates," "intends," "plans," "targets," "potentially," "probably," "projects," "outlook" or similar expressions. You are cautioned that forward-looking statements involve uncertainties, and important factors could cause actual results to differ materially from those anticipated, including changes in general business and economic conditions, changes in interest rates, legal and regulatory developments, increased competition from both banks and non-banks, changes in customer behavior and preferences, and effects of critical accounting policies and judgments. For discussion of these and other risks that may cause actual results to differ from expectations, refer to our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended September 30, 2007 on file with the SEC, including the sections entitled "Risk Factors." These risks and uncertainties should be considered in evaluating forward-looking statements and undue reliance should not be placed on such statements. Forward-looking statements speak only as of the date they are made, and the Company undertakes no obligation to update them in light of new information or future events.

Tables follow...

                          PULASKI FINANCIAL CORP.

(Dollars in thousands     June 30,    March 31,   September 30,
 except per share data)     2008         2008         2007
                        ===========  ===========  ===========
Total assets            $ 1,290,589  $ 1,259,708  $ 1,131,465
Loans receivable, net     1,060,131    1,035,457      949,826
Allowance for loan
 losses                      11,909       11,116       10,421
Loans held for sale,
 net                         78,370       80,301       58,536
Investment securities
 (includes equity
 securities)                 13,089       28,720       16,988
FHLB stock                   11,761       13,519        8,306
Mortgage-backed &
 related securities          18,992        2,878        3,027
Cash and cash
 equivalents                 33,591       22,774       23,774
Deposits                    833,363      855,762      835,489
FHLB advances               223,000      265,000      158,400
Federal Reserve
 borrowings                  95,000            -            -
Subordinated debentures      19,589       19,589       19,589
Stockholders' equity         86,340       85,147       80,804
Book value per share    $      8.47  $      8.44  $      8.13

Asset Quality Ratios
Nonperforming loans as
 a percent of total
 loans                         1.40%        1.16%        1.03%
Nonperforming assets as
 a percent of total
 assets                        1.62%        1.57%        1.20%
Allowance for loan
 losses as a percent of
 total loans                   1.04%        0.99%        1.02%
Allowance for loan
 losses as a percent of
 nonperforming loans          74.00%       84.85%       99.44%

                              Three Months              Nine Months
SELECTED OPERATING DATA      Ended June 30,            Ended June 30,
                        ========================  ========================
(Dollars in thousands)      2008         2007         2008         2007
                        ===========  ===========  ===========  ===========
Interest income         $    17,677  $    18,267  $    56,036  $    51,604
Interest expense              8,169       11,001       29,462       30,451
                        -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------
   Net interest income        9,508        7,266       26,574       21,153
Provision for loan
 losses                       2,141        1,911        4,902        3,167
                        -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------
   Net interest income
    after provision
    for loan losses           7,367        5,355       21,672       17,986
                        -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------
Retail banking fees             961          919        2,921        2,456
Mortgage revenues             1,856        2,010        5,301        4,490
Revenue from investment
 division operations            266          159          837          534
Gain on sale of
 securities                       8            -          325          144
Other                           423          292        1,374        1,297
                        -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------
   Total non-interest
    income                    3,514        3,380       10,758        8,921
                        -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------
Compensation expense          4,511        2,813       10,731        8,263
Occupancy, equipment
 and data processing          1,768        1,454        5,221        4,136
Advertising                     293          394          927        1,013
Professional services           435          318        1,143          979
Real estate foreclosure
 losses and expenses,
 net                            677          143        1,061          463
Gain on derivative
 financial instruments         (266)        (131)        (331)        (445)
Other                         1,119          785        3,404        2,516
                        -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------
   Total non-interest
    expense                   8,537        5,776       22,156       16,925
                        -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------
Income before income
 taxes                        2,344        2,959       10,274        9,982
Income taxes                    685          975        3,334        3,308
                        -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------
   Net income           $     1,659  $     1,984  $     6,940  $     6,674
                        ===========  ===========  ===========  ===========

Performance Ratios
Return on average
 assets                        0.53%        0.73%        0.76%        0.87%
Return on average
 equity                        7.60%        9.75%       10.75%       11.28%
Interest rate spread           3.01%        2.53%        2.81%        2.61%
Net interest margin            3.23%        2.87%        3.10%        2.96%

Weighted average shares
 outstanding-basic        9,983,506    9,825,886    9,872,309    9,826,523
Weighted average shares
 outstanding-diluted     10,271,469   10,266,592   10,222,348   10,267,007
EPS-basic               $      0.17  $      0.20  $      0.70  $      0.68
EPS-diluted             $      0.16  $      0.19  $      0.68  $      0.65
Dividends               $     0.095  $     0.090  $     0.275  $     0.260

                          PULASKI FINANCIAL CORP.

LOANS RECEIVABLE                       June 30,   March  31,   September30,
(Dollars in thousands)                   2008         2008         2007
                                     ===========  ===========  ===========

Real estate mortgage:
  One to four family residential     $   323,093  $   323,942  $   332,206
  Multi-family residential                32,848       33,666       30,219
  Commercial real estate                 255,410      242,226      200,206
                                     -----------  -----------  -----------
    Total real estate mortgage           611,351      599,834      562,631
                                     -----------  -----------  -----------

Real estate construction and
  One to four family residential          42,959       46,825       45,428
  Multi-family residential                15,409       13,870       13,899
  Commercial real estate                  44,626       47,695       39,594
                                     -----------  -----------  -----------
     Total real estate construction
      and development                    102,994      108,390       98,921
                                     -----------  -----------  -----------
Commercial & Industrial loans            130,815      111,474       77,642
Equity line of credit                    224,221      222,844      219,539
Consumer and installment                   6,965        7,314        6,918
                                     -----------  -----------  -----------
                                       1,076,346    1,049,856      965,651
                                     -----------  -----------  -----------
Add (less):
  Deferred loan costs                      5,193        5,145        5,163
  Loans in process                        (9,499)      (8,428)     (10,567)
  Allowance for loan losses              (11,909)     (11,116)     (10,421)
                                     -----------  -----------  -----------
                                         (16,215)     (14,399)     (15,825)
                                     -----------  -----------  -----------
    Total                            $ 1,060,131  $ 1,035,457  $   949,826
                                     ===========  ===========  ===========
Weighted average rate at end of
 period                                     6.11%        6.38%        7.44%
                                     ===========  ===========  ===========

                  June 30, 2008       March 31, 2008    September 30, 2007
                ------------------  ------------------  ------------------
DEPOSITS                  Weighted            Weighted            Weighted
(Dollars in               Average             Average             Average
 thousands)               Interest            Interest            Interest
                Balance     Rate    Balance     Rate    Balance     Rate
                ========= ========  ========= ========  ========= ========
Demand Deposit
   checking     $  69,603     0.00% $  63,962     0.00% $  57,005     0.00%
   checking       139,865     2.14%    93,264     1.38%    57,815     1.79%
  Money market    174,412     2.21%   198,609     2.33%   173,950     4.05%
   accounts        27,241     0.30%    28,343     0.28%    28,909     0.29%
                ---------           ---------           ---------
     accounts     411,121     1.69%   384,178     1.56%   317,679     2.57%
                ---------           ---------           ---------

Certificates of
  Deposit: (1)
  $100,000 or
   less           221,285     3.39%   222,462     4.07%   239,401     5.45%
  Greater than
   $100,000       200,957     3.75%   249,122     4.28%   278,409     4.73%
                ---------           ---------           ---------
    of deposit    422,242     3.56%   471,584     4.18%   517,810     5.06%
                ---------           ---------           ---------
      deposits  $ 833,363     2.64% $ 855,762     3.01% $ 835,489     4.11%
                =========           =========           =========

 (1) Includes
  deposits      $ 108,407           $ 157,760           $ 190,445
                =========           =========           =========

                          PULASKI FINANCIAL CORP.

NONPERFORMING ASSETS                June 30,      March 31,   September 30,
(In thousands)                        2008          2008          2007
                                  ============  ============  =============
Non-accrual loans:
   Residential real estate        $      2,725  $      2,732  $       2,082
   Commercial and multi-family           1,133         1,152          3,708
   Real estate-construction and
    development                            218           439              -
   Commercial and industrial               240           240              -
   Home equity                             948           726            554
   Other                                    93           186            105
                                  ------------  ------------  -------------
      Total non-accrual loans            5,357         5,475          6,449
                                  ------------  ------------  -------------

Accruing loans past due 90 days
 or more:
   Residential real estate               2,809         3,193          2,564
   Commercial and multi-family             553           457             44
   Real estate-construction and
    development                            953             -              -
   Home equity                           1,301         1,955          1,064
   Other                                    46             5            150
                                  ------------  ------------  -------------
      Total accruing loans past
       due 90 days or more               5,662         5,610          3,822
                                  ------------  ------------  -------------

Restructured loans                       5,076         2,016            209
                                  ------------  ------------  -------------
      Total non-performing
       loans                            16,095        13,101         10,480
Real estate acquired in
 settlement of loans                     4,779         6,620          3,090
Other nonperforming assets                  43            43             43
                                  ------------  ------------  -------------
      Total non-performing
       assets                     $     20,917  $     19,764  $      13,613
                                  ============  ============  =============

ALLOWANCE FOR LOAN LOSSES         Nine Months Ended June 30,
(In thousands)                        2008          2007
                                  ============  ============
Allowance for loan losses,
 beginning of period              $     10,421  $      7,817
Provision charged to expense             4,902         3,167
Loans charged-off                       (3,530)       (1,011)
Recoveries of loans previously
 charged-off                               116            26
                                  ------------  ------------
Allowance for loan losses, end of
 period                           $     11,909  $      9,999
                                  ============  ============

                          PULASKI FINANCIAL CORP.
                          AVERAGE BALANCE SHEETS

                                              Three Months Ended
                                                June 30, 2008
                                                  Interest      Average
(Dollars in thousands)               Average         and         Yield/
                                     Balance      Dividends      Cost
                                  ------------- ------------- ------------
Interest-earning assets:
   Loans receivable               $   1,052,809 $      16,045         6.10%
   Loans available for sale              68,290           950         5.57%
   Other interest-earning assets         56,574           682         4.82%
                                  ------------- -------------
      Total interest-earning
       assets                         1,177,673        17,677         6.00%
Noninterest-earning assets               85,238
      Total assets                $   1,262,911

Interest-bearing liabilities:
   Deposits                       $     748,327 $       5,664         3.03%
   Borrowed money                       344,765         2,505         2.91%
                                  ------------- -------------
      Total interest-bearing
       liabilities                    1,093,092         8,169         2.99%
Noninterest-bearing deposits             63,872
Noninterest-bearing liabilities          18,590
Stockholders' equity                     87,357
      Total liabilities and
       stockholders' equity       $   1,262,911
Net interest income                             $       9,508
Interest rate spread                                                  3.01%
Net interest margin                                                   3.23%

                                                June 30, 2007
                                                  Interest      Average
(Dollars in thousands)               Average        and          Yield/
                                     Balance      Dividends       Cost
                                  ------------- ------------- ------------
Interest-earning assets:
   Loans receivable               $     894,769 $      16,483         7.37%
   Loans available for sale              82,297         1,311         6.37%
   Other interest-earning assets         36,474           473         5.19%
                                  ------------- -------------
      Total interest-earning
       assets                         1,013,540        18,267         7.21%
Noninterest-earning assets               79,619
      Total assets                $   1,093,159

Interest-bearing liabilities:
   Deposits                       $     744,868 $       8,293         4.45%
   Borrowed money                       196,223         2,708         5.52%
                                  ------------- -------------
      Total interest-bearing
       liabilities                      941,091        11,001         4.68%
Noninterest-bearing deposits             48,208
Noninterest-bearing liabilities          22,458
Stockholders' equity                     81,402
      Total liabilities and
       stockholders' equity       $   1,093,159
Net interest income                             $       7,266
Interest rate spread                                                  2.53%
Net interest margin                                                   2.87%

                                              Nine Months Ended
                                                June 30, 2008
                                                  Interest      Average
(Dollars in thousands)               Average        and          Yield/
                                     Balance      Dividends       Cost
                                  ------------- ------------- ------------
Interest-earning assets:
   Loans receivable               $   1,029,470 $      51,645         6.69%
   Loans available for sale              66,945         2,694         5.37%
   Other interest-earning assets         47,218         1,696         4.79%
                                  ------------- -------------
      Total interest-earning
       assets                         1,143,633        56,035         6.53%
Noninterest-earning assets               80,874
      Total assets                $   1,224,507

Interest-bearing liabilities:
   Deposits                       $     776,278 $      21,532         3.70%
   Borrowed money                       280,776         7,930         3.77%
                                  ------------- -------------
      Total interest-bearing
       liabilities                    1,057,054        29,462         3.72%
Noninterest-bearing deposits             61,730
Noninterest-bearing liabilities          19,656
Stockholders' equity                     86,067
      Total liabilities and
       stockholders' equity       $   1,224,507
Net interest income                             $      26,573
Interest rate spread                                                  2.81%
Net interest margin                                                   3.10%

                                                June 30, 2007
                                                  Interest      Average
(Dollars in thousands)               Average        and          Yield/
                                     Balance      Dividends       Cost
                                  ------------- ------------- ------------
Interest-earning assets:
   Loans receivable               $     854,568 $      47,383         7.39%
   Loans available for sale              63,072         2,900         6.13%
   Other interest-earning assets         36,652         1,320         4.80%
                                  ------------- -------------
      Total interest-earning
       assets                           954,292        51,603         7.21%
Noninterest-earning assets               73,643
      Total assets                $   1,027,935

Interest-bearing liabilities:
   Deposits                       $     692,786 $      22,613         4.35%
   Borrowed money                       190,678         7,837         5.48%
                                  ------------- -------------
      Total interest-bearing
       liabilities                      883,464        30,450         4.60%
Noninterest-bearing deposits             46,097
Noninterest-bearing liabilities          19,492
Stockholders' equity                     78,882
      Total liabilities and
       stockholders' equity       $   1,027,935
Net interest income                             $      21,153
Interest rate spread                                                  2.61%
Net interest margin                                                   2.96%

Contact Information: For Additional Information Contact: Ramsey Hamadi Chief Financial Officer Pulaski Financial Corp. (314) 878-2210 Ext. 3825 Dave Garino or Dan Callahan Fleishman-Hillard, Inc. (314) 982-0551