Zeer Named One of the Top 50 Websites of 2008 by Time.com

CAMBRIDGE, MA--(Marketwire - July 29, 2008) - Zeer -- www.zeer.com -- announced today that it has been named one of the 50 Best Websites of 2008 by Time.com. The newly launched grocery community was recognized in Time.com's 2008 picks for the best the Web has to offer. According to Time.com, "[Zeer] is the kind of site that should have been built years ago." The full review can be found at the following link: http://www.time.com/time/specials/2007/article/0,28804,1809858_1809957_1811569,00.html

"We are thrilled to be recognized by Time as one of the best websites of 2008," said Michael Putnam, CEO of Zeer. "Time's inclusion of Zeer on their Best of the Web list validates the importance of the information we provide to consumers. With the growing importance of food choices and trends -- including healthy eating, organic food and green products -- and rising grocery prices, it's harder than ever for consumers to figure out what foods are best for them. Zeer is committed to helping people find and buy better groceries."

Launched in May, Zeer is a grocery community that connects people to product information, interest-specific communities and consumer reviews. Zeer answers the needs of consumers who feel overwhelmed by product choices, are seeking unbiased and objective product information, or are simply passionate about food.

Zeer Mobile, launched in July, offers the immediate conveniences of Zeer, regardless of the user's destination, via mobile web browsers. Using Zeer or Zeer Mobile, users at home or on-the-go can search from more than 110,000 food and beverage products to find exactly the products they want, get information customized to their needs and interests, and manage and view their shopping lists.

About Zeer:

Zeer is a grocery product community that helps people "believe in what they buy." Members can research products while shopping or before they go to the store, join communities that match their food-related needs and interests, and share advice with like-minded people. Zeer whittles the world of products down to a personalized community where friends answer product questions, and better information brings confidence in buying decisions. The company was founded by Michael Putnam in 2007, and is privately funded. For additional information on Zeer, please see the company website at http://www.zeer.com or simply type m.zeer.com into any mobile browser.

Contact Information: Contact: Kendra Boccelli Boccelli & Co. 978.499.0844