Tale of a Motown Girl -- A Riveting True-Life Account of Growing Up in 70s Detroit

WEST BLOOMFIELD, Mich., Oct. 29, 2008 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The teenage and young adult years can be a confusing period in any person's life. It is a time when one tries to find his or her identity and place in life. This ordeal can be complicated by the things surrounding the individual, like the period and place involved. Let author Johnnie Sue Bridges share what it was like growing up during the turbulent Seventies in Detroit's inner cities with Motown Girl: Sister Golden Hair.

This candid memoir, Motown Girl: Sister Golden Hair, is the sequel to Bridges' highly acclaimed Shadows And Scars. It chronicles her rollercoaster ride through the early 70's growing up in the inner city of Detroit's Westside. Hitting the teen years during the underground time of extreme change, uprisings, and experimenting with everything under the sun, came at a very high price -- robbery of her self worth and most importantly, the stolen innocence of the ones she dearly loved. Highly educated in cultured urban habit, she was forevermore restless and ran incessantly. And by the grace of God, she eventually changed and escaped. However, some of those she held closest to her heart paid the piper with their lives. In her own words, "No one told us that stuff would kill ya."

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About the Author

Johnnie Sue Bridges' incredible life story began with the release of her first book, the highly acclaimed Shadows And Scars -- a beautiful story that captures the essence of living in the mountains of Middlesboro, Kentucky, with vivid imagery, comical moments and raw emotion. It portrays a young mother's fight against poverty, loneliness, and alcoholism, concluding in the riot-torn and racially divided city of Detroit. The present book, Motown Girl: Sister Golden Hair, is the sequel while the third in the series, Run BabyGirl Run, is coming soon.

          Motown Girl Sister Golden Hair * by Johnnie Sue Bridges
                  Publication Date: October 24, 2008
           Trade Paperback; $23.99; 435 pages; 978-1-4363-6520-8
           Cloth Hardback; $34.99; 435 pages; 978-1-4363-6521-5

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