Keep America Competitive, a Call to Action for U.S. CEOs to Keep Their Workforces Healthy

Two NYC Companies Issue Health Challenge to America's CEOs and Business Owners to Underwrite New Campaign


 WHO: Deborah McKeever, President of EHE International
      Dr. Dee Edington, Director, University of Michigan Health
      Management Research Center
      Dr. Michael Parkinson, M.D., M.P.H., a recognized leader in
      creating healthy corporate and organizational cultures, and
      their link to reducing corporate and individual health care
      expenses, and Past President of the American College of
      Preventive Medicine.

 WHAT: EHE International and DDB Worldwide have joined forces in the
 private-funding of a new national campaign entitled, Keep America

 Ms. McKeever, EHE corporate spokesperson and Dr. Edington, a pioneer
 in the relationship between health and organizational performance,
 are both available for interviews on this important health initiative.

 WHY: The goal of the Keep America Competitive campaign states: "There
 has never been a more critical time in America for businesses to be
 competitive from a health standpoint -- at home and around the world.
 We can only be competitive if we are productive, and we can only be
 productive if our workforce is healthy."

 Keep America Competitive starts by creating a culture around health.
 Corporate America is being called upon to accept this challenge for
 America, for its businesses, and for its employees.

 "In May of this year, Mark Goldstone, President, DDB Worldwide, Dr.
 Edington and I participated in a roundtable discussion with leading
 employee benefit consulting firms," said McKeever.

 "The question on the table was:
  * 'Do employers value the relationship between health and

 What we heard was, 'Yes, they understand the relationship between a
 healthy workforce and a productive workforce, but it is the
 exceptional few who get beyond the cost of healthcare and even fewer
 who know how to drive a culture change necessary to move employees'
 mindset from that of insurance coverage for illness to health as a
 requirement of employment.'
  * As a nation we are being short-sighted by an almost exclusive
    focus on the cost of medical care. You get what you expect. It's
    time for CEOs to say, 'Proactive health management by employees is
    a job requirement.'"

About EHE and DDB Worldwide: Together, EHE International and DDB Worldwide have been in the health industry for nearly two centuries. Dr. Edington's research spans more than three decades. Collectively, they work with a large number of the Fortune 500 companies. "The issue of America's ability to remain competitive by way of a healthy workforce was in need of a champion. It is for this reason that we've come together in funding and support and have put forth this challenge to CEOs and their managers," said McKeever.

An invitation-only CEO dinner will be held in New York City on September 23rd at Le Bernardin Restaurant. A program for senior benefit strategists and managers is being sponsored on September 24th at the Marriott Marquis Times Square. To learn more about Keep America Competitive, please contact Mr. Nick Danielides.


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