Wilson has sold the bulk vessel MV Wilson Mo to a Marshall Islands registered company for USD 460.000. The ship is built in 1975 and is 5.800 dwt. The sales value at the current rate of exchange is MNOK 2,6 which is MNOK 1,9 below booked value as at 30.09.2009.
MV Wilson Mo has lately been in layup. Furthermore the ship would require comprehensive docking outlay in order to be operated in the company's sailing schedules. In today's market Wilson has not found it economically feasible to take the vessel through such docking.
The ship has been sold to a company which marketwise does not operate in Wilson's core market, so that the company does not expect to meet the ship in future transportation competition.
After having carried through the transaction Wilson will operate a fleet of 107 ships whereof 75 are owning-wise controlled by the company.
Wilson ASA
Bergen, 20th November 2009