With Button, the Adventures Never End... -- A Charming Fable to Rivet Young and Adult Readers Alike

NORMAN, Okla., Jan. 11, 2010 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Button has her way with everything around her. She is indeed an extraordinary Scottish terrier dearly loved and enjoyed by all -- even the dangerous or maddest of creatures are enthralled and captivated by the young Button. Author Richard W. Leech, M.D., through this fable, captures the many endeavors and adventures of his little Button to give readers a glimpse of her lively spirit. The Adventures of Button Broken Tail is a collection of her many fun conversations, experiences, and stories with the other animals around her.

This charming series of the exciting and fascinating tales of Button features six stories that are sure to delight both young and adult readers. In "Ssserek's End," Button meets the great serpent, Ssserek. Though the others keep away from him either out of fear or out of respect, the innocent and playful Button befriended him and enjoyed talking to him. As the other creatures observe this encounter, readers will find out how they will react and what they will do. In "The Story of Delph," Button and her beagle friend, Sally, help the other animals of the forest as they go trap-hunting again. The trapper has set unforgiving traps for whatever creature it can capture, be it rabbit, weasel, wolves, otters, beavers, etc. As readers follow them deep into the forest, they will find out what traps and creatures await the best friends. In "Button and Great Horde of Rats," Button, while waiting for Sally, falls into a deep slumber and finds herself in the same nightmare she has lived through when her tail was broken. Button runs for her life but could not escape the wrath of the Rats -- whether awake or asleep. Readers will find out how her friends come to the rescue. In "Mommy Kitty," readers will follow the adventures and misadventures Button has with the cat she really is not comfortable being around with. And many more wonderful tales lie ahead as Button' unending escapades continue in "How the Littlest Dragon Saves the Day" and "The Raven of Elderwood."

"I met her on a warm sunny day in Oklahoma. She was the smallest, the most aggressive and inquisitive of her litter, over which she ruled with energy and intelligence.Nonetheless, my wife, Elaine, and I took her home immediately. She slept with me because she enjoyed playing games until I was too exhausted to go further.She found adventure where none could have existed before," the author endearingly shares.

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About the Author

Dr. Richard Leech is Professor Emeritus (Pathology), retired from the University of Oklahoma School of Medicine. Born and raised in Seattle, he graduated from the University of Washington. After his internship, he married his wife of forty-two years in the Lutheran Church in Toledo, Ohio. He served as an Air Force Flight Surgeon, and then entered a pathology training program. He was a faculty member of two other state medical schools before coming to Oklahoma. As members of the Norman Trinity Lutheran Church, the Pastor was responsible for significant spiritual training and guidance.

    The Adventures of Button Broken Tail* by Richard W. Leech, M.D.
                  Publication Date: January 5, 2010
        Trade Paperback; $15.99; 191 pages; 978-1-4415-9173-9
         Trade Hardback; $22.99; 191 pages; 978-1-4415-9174-6

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