Business Leaders Join Forces to Tackle Climate Change

World Ecological Forum: Business Leaders Join Forces to Tackle Climate Change   

Jan. 26, 2010 -- The World Ecological Forum today announced that its first      
summit will bring together prominent industry leaders, entrepreneurs, and       
environmental experts to fight climate change. This inaugural summit will be    
held in the UNESCO-protected city of Visby on Gotland, Sweden, on 1-2 July      
“Corporations and governments must work together. We don't need another         
climate summit with thousands of participants but we do need to take action,”   
said Alec Arho Havrén, executive chairman of the World Ecological Forum. “Our   
ambition for 2010 is to provide a platform for responsible business leaders and 
policy makers, and make it easier for CEOs to share ideas and drive real change 
toward sustainability.”                                                         
Reducing carbon emissions is a key priority and will                            
be high on the summit's agenda. As stressed by the Intergovernmental Panel on   
Climate Change (IPCC), global emissions must peak no later than 2015, just five 
years away. Although 73 of the 100 largest companies in the world have set some 
form of reduction target, few companies have plans in place past 2012, the final
year of the Kyoto Protocol.                                                     
“If we want to reach the emission reductions                                    
targets, corporations need to get far more aggressive,” said Havrén.  “We also  
need to talk about low carbon investments and best practices. We can no longer  
afford not to.”                                                                 
To boost green technology transfers, the World Ecological                       
Forum has already launched a Green Market Place in partnership with Tynax, the  
world¹s largest technology trading exchange. “It is critical to get the most    
effective innovations out of the research laboratories and into the hands of the
engineers and developers,” said Jon Rortveit, CEO of Tynax. “We are delighted to
partner with the World Ecological Forum and see this initiative as a significant
step in creating a global trading exchange for green technologies.”             
The World                                                                       
Ecological Forum 2010 will also promote green products with special attention   
given to the automotive industry. During the summit, a zero and low emission    
vehicle exhibition will be co-hosted by Gotland Ring, the world's first         
ecological race and test circuit. Winners of the World Ecological Forum Global  
Impact Award will also be announced at the event.                               

Media Contact:                                                                  
Jenny Harler                                                                    
Director of Communications                                                      
Phone (US): +1.310.600.8912                                                     
Phone (Sweden): +46 (0)73-983 43 92                                             
Additional press materials can be found at                                                                          

About World Ecological Forum                                                    
The World Ecological Forum is a non-profit                                      
organization that is committed to creating environmental and economic balance in
order to achieve sustainable growth, welfare and social justice for all. The    
Forum's flagship event is the annual summit in Visby. The organization also     
administers the World Ecological Forum Global Impact Award. For more            
information, visit                                

About Visby                                                                     
The medieval town of Visby is located on Gotland, the biggest island in the     
Baltic Sea. The island proclaimed itself an eco-municipality in 1992 and        
continues to work toward sustainability. More information is available at


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