Integrity Media: A Mind All Their Own

LAS VEGAS, Feb. 2, 2010 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Advertising is a simple objective labored by complex strategies and enormous variables. But at its core it is persuasion of a human, a real person whose mind is influenced. It all starts in the brain whether the response is instinctive, sensory, or cognitive. 

We love better mousetrap ideas, those that can be market disruptive and beneficial for companies and their shareholders. Being able to interpret and decode people's emotional responses when they are presented with different marketing messages certainly seems to qualify. 

Advertising company Bark Group Inc. (OTCBB:BKPG) appears to have its hands on this better mousetrap through a partnership with Mindmetic which develops 'neuromarketing' research methods. The technology being developed looks to interpret and decode people's emotional responses when they are presented with different marketing messages. 

Neuromarketing techniques are used to study consumers' sensorimotor, cognitive, and affective response to marketing stimuli. Among other measurements such as tracing eye movements and monitoring body temperature, Mindmetic uses electroencephalography to measure activity in the cortical region of the brain to learn why consumers make the decisions they do, and determine what part of the brain is telling them to do it. The information can be used to determine what colors, sounds and words get certain reactions in the minds of consumers, giving marketers like Bark a strategic edge when designing campaigns. 

Bark’s interest is clear: it wants to leverage this state-of-the-art technology to craft higher efficacy campaigns, to design copy and advertisements that are tailored to elicit both conscious and subconscious consumer reactions. 

If it is successful, Bark holds something very special, an advertising currency that it can spend on its clients as it wishes. The results will be interesting to follow as Mindmetic and Bark continue their partnership and shareholders and potential advertising clients alike would be wise to follow the company’s progress.

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