IDEX - Disclosure of trade

The instant notice is issued by IDEX ASA ("IDEX") on behalf of certain board members who subscribed for warrants in the early exercise and/or new shares in the private placement.
IDEX announced on 10 March that an early warrants exercise had been completed and on 11 March that a private placement had been completed.
Chairman Morten Opstad or his close associates exercised 2,074,751 warrants at NOK 0.30 per share in the early warrants exercise. Following these transactions, Mr. Opstad and close associates hold or control 5,444,728 shares and 915,118.66 rights to shares in IDEX.
Board member Harald Voigt exercised 917,685 warrants at NOK 0.30 per share in the early warrants exercise. Mr. Voigt subscribed for 437,500 shares at NOK 1.20 per share in the private placement. Following these transactions, Mr. Voigt and close associates hold or control 2,389,536 shares and 6,250 rights to shares in IDEX.
For the avoidance of doubt, it is stated that the number of shares, warrants and rights to shares as well as the prices per share above is stated as at 10 March 2010, i.e. after the share consolidation that took effect on 10 March 2010.
11 March 2010

This information is subject of the disclosure requirements acc. to §5-12 vphl (Norwegian Securities Trading Act)