World's Oldest Living Rock Star Honored in Boston on December 7th. Naughtybits(R) Algae Tabs Steal the Spotlight

BOSTON, Dec. 6, 2011 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- No, it's not Steve Tyler being honored in Boston on December 7th but maybe he'll show up. No, the rock star being honored has waited even longer for the spotlight. Two and a half billion years to be exact. This rock star is ALGAE.

Algae is a nutritional rock star. Here's why. Algae was the first plant life on earth 2.5 billion years ago. It has the highest concentration of protein in the world (60%), which is three times the amount of protein found in steak, it has fifty times more iron than spinach, five times more chlorophyll than wheat grass, the highest concentration of chlorophyll, antioxidants and beta carotene in the world, over forty vitamins, minerals and nutrients, all for just one calorie per tab. Algae tabs have been shown to lower blood pressure, cure colds, prevent hangovers, aid weight loss, balance blood sugar, provide energy, boost athletic performance, protect the brain, build the immune system and more. And it does this all naturally. No chemicals, no sugar, no caffeine, no soy, no drugs, no side affects, no interactions. Just 100% green, raw nutrition. Straight from Mother Nature.  

Also consider that algae has been used by NASA, Olympic Athletes and tens of millions in Asia for over fifty years, and that forty years ago it was declared the most nutritionally dense food on earth by both NASA and the United Nations.  Yet in America, where there is a serious health and nutrition crisis and where the incidence of cancer, diabetes and heart disease (just to name a few) is escalating and being regularly diagnosed in teenagers, no one seems to know about the health benefits of algae.

Why not?   

The answer may be simply that algae is missing "sizzle" Substance it has. But sizzle, no. Most American's think algae is just pond scum. Poor thing. Seems that algae's nutritional rock star status wasn't glamorous enough to catch anyone's attention. So, it needed a makeover. The Naughty Nutritionist Inc. gave it one. Algae has now been glammed up, given a jazzy new name and it's long list of health benefits are now easy to understand. Thanks to Naughtybits® algae tabs, consumers, athletes, executives, moms, students, children and anyone else seeking energy, nutrition or improved health can now get it quickly and easily from algae.

Algae's nutritional rock star status is being celebrated with a national launch party on December 7th in Boston. And, since algae is the OLDEST plant life on earth, the party is being held at America's OLDEST tavern/bar, The Bell in Hand ( Festivities include algae samplings, games, music, and even the world premier of the world's first algae fashion show video, which could impress even the folks at Victoria's Secret. For more details about the party, including how to RSVP, visit A sold out crowd is expected. Who knows, maybe even Steven Tyler will show up. And why not? Rock Stars are known for hanging out together!

Why Algae is the One Super Food you Don't Want to be Without

According to the CDC (Centers for Disease Control), over 70% of Americans suffer from malnutrition and 97% of all chronic illnesses are related to these nutritional deficiencies. Americans are, as one public health official puts it "overfed and undernourished." Clearly something needs to be done to correct this deteriorating situation. Algae could be the answer. For over 50 years, algae has been considered to be the most nutritionally dense food in the world and endorsed by world health authorities like The United Nations and The World Bank. Even NASA heralds algae as the most nutritionally dense food and states that "1 gram of algae has the nutritional value of 1,000 grams of fruits and vegetables." Algae is neither a fad nor a fraud. It's simply been misunderstood, overlooked and poorly marketed to mainstream America. The launch of Naughtybits® algae tabs may change that.

Where to purchase Naughtybits® algae tabs

Naughtybits® algae tabs are available for purchase exclusively from the company's website at They are sold in large re-sealable bags of 1,000 tabs for $115 (83 servings of 12 tabs/serving) and include a small travel tin that can be refilled each day to ensure a ready suppy of instant energy and a healthy, high protein snack.. A single serving is 12 tabs however to gain full benefits of the algae, it is recommended that 20-25 tabs be taken at a time. Tabs can be swallowed or chewed, and contain just one calorie each. Bags have been sold in Boston for over a year but are now are shipped nationally and internationally.

About The Naughty Nutritionist Inc.®:

The Naughty Nutritionist Inc® is a nutraceuticals company based in Boston, MA. The company's vision and mission is to make nutrition hip, stylish, fast and fun for consumers, fitness enthusiasts, athletes, teams, performers, moms, children, executives or anyone looking for a natural way to improve their health, vitality, endurance, performance and longevity. Their algae tabs have been shown to stop colds, prevent fatigue, stop hangovers, provide energy, act as a weight loss aid and to supply the critical nutrition that is missing from most American's diets. If you don't eat fresh greens on a daily basis, algae tabs are your  answer. The algae is grown organically and is 100% natural. The tabs looks like a supplement, but are considered food and can either be eaten or swallowed by the handful, similar to how one would consume a handful of nuts. The first products are ENERGYbits™, RECOVERYbits™ and VITALITYbits™ algae tabs, each of which provide different health benefits and which collectively are referred to as Naughtybits®. The company was a semi-finalist in the 2010 MassChallenge Competition, ( the worlds largest startup competition. For information about the products, visit To RSVP to the party visit For more information about the company and for all media inquiries please contact Catharine Arnston at (office) 617-886-5106, (cell) 617-642-0782 or 

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The following files are available for download:

wkr0001.pdf FAQ
wkr0002.pdf Customer Testimonials
wkr0003.doc algae answers all needs of the future
wkr0004.doc chlorella history
wkr0005.doc spirulina and chlorella
wkr0006.doc spirulina overview
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