PHARMAGEST INTERACTIVE announces the launching of its e-Health Pole

Villers-lès-Nancy, March 12, 2012 - 18:00 (CET)

PHARMAGEST INTERACTIVE announces the launching of its e-Health Pole

The recent external growth of PHARMAGEST INTERACTIVE - DIATELIC (a subsidiary specializing in artificial intelligence and expert systems to predict the evolution of the state of health of patients) and DOMEDIC EUROPE ("DO-Pill Secure(TM)" intelligent pill dispenser) were grouped in a new e-Health Department. This new activity which was structurally reinforced by the obtaining by PHARMAGEST INTERACTIVE in January 2012 of approval for hosting health data of a personal nature attributed by the Ministry of Health, will be directed by an e-Health specialist: Thierry ALLIOTTE.

Precursor on e-Health

With the taking of participation in the DIATELIC Company at the end of 2010 (majority holdings since February 2012) and the DOMEDIC Group in 2011, PHARMAGEST INTERACTIVE clearly displayed its ambitions in the new information and communication technologies applied to Health. 

The strategy of PHARMAGEST INTERACTIVE is to offer, with these new competencies, the services that pharmacists will definitely need for the application of the HPST (Hospital, Patients, Health, Territories) Law and their future remuneration per act.

New professions to meet tomorrow's health care needs

PHARMAGEST INTERACTIVE has long been anticipating the digital revolution which has gradually been coming into the daily lives of both health care professionals and patients. 

As one of the foremost actors in the acceleration of new technologies and the deployment of shared information systems in the field of health, the PHARMAGEST Group is now actively involved in the e-Health project on the national level. 

The added value of this new activity, bringing together the excellence of the know-how of PHARMAGEST INTERACTIVE, DIATELIC and DOMEDIC EUROPE, is its complementarity. It brings together suppliers of technologies with substantial experience in the field of health, able to respond to health care professionals who are seeking services to improve patient care.

A very promising market 

The e-Health sector is in full explosion in Europe, with an annual growth rate of 15% to 20%, estimated at 15.6 billion euros in 2012 (Source: Capgemini Consulting "Business Models for eHealth"). Particularly relevant responses in light of the new challenges for the health care system, the growth of telemedicine and telehealth will be amplified by the innumerable possibilities offered by the Information and Communication Technologies, which add an additional dimension of interactivity between the health care professional, the patient, and the information system. 

A strategy for growth through innovation

Improving the health of patients, providing care while also reducing the related costs are all obvious factors that PHARMAGEST INTERACTIVE has long been anticipating in its development strategy. 

In the interest of national and European competitiveness, PHARMAGEST INTERACTIVE is getting ahead of the evolutions of these markets and establishing a policy of growth through innovation.

The objective of the e-Health pole of PHARMAGEST INTERACTIVE is to design and deploy these new services and systems and to measure the savings generated for the National Health Insurance System.

Thierry ALLIOTTE will direct this new e-Health activity

PHARMAGEST INTERACTIVE called on a specialist of e-Health with in-depth experience and knowledge of this sector to manage this new activity and the subsidiaries that make it up.

Thierry ALLIOTTE, 51 years old, a graduate of Polytechnique, Ph.D. in Biology, began his career in 1982 in the biomedical activities of the Air Liquide Group, in the Paris Region and then in Belgium. In 1995, in Nancy he founded the Auxilia Medical Company, specializing in respiratory assistance in the home, then the IPS Group in 2008 offering a complete line of health care services in the home throughout France. It was within this framework that Thierry ALLIOTTE took an interest in the monitoring of chronic pathologies, and the development of telemedicine tools. Attracted by the potential of the pharmacy market for the deployment of innovative solutions, he came to the PHARMAGEST Group in January 2012 as Director of the e-Health activity and in this role he joined the Management Committee of PHARMAGEST INTERACTIVE.

About the PHARMAGEST Group:
The PHARMAGEST Group is the French leader in computer systems for pharmacies, with a 43.5 % share of the market, 9800 clients and more than 700 employees. Since September 2007, the PHARMAGEST Group has also been present in Northern Europe with a 12 % market share in Belgium and Luxembourg through its subsidiary SABCO.

As a privileged partner to pharmacists for almost 30 years now, the PHARMAGEST Group designs innovative computer solutions for pharmacies and is developing a high potential E-Business E-Media activity intended for laboratories. 

The PHARMAGEST Group is also developing new software solutions for housing facilities for elderly and dependent people and outpatient structures for elderly people, through its subsidiary MALTA Informatique.

The first Logiciel de Gestion à Portail Intégré (Integrated Portal Management Software - LGPI Global Services® ), creator of value for the patient, pharmacist and laboratory, dynamizes sales, optimizes purchases and enriches advice to the patient. It is also the first media with permanent impact in pharmacies, which gives laboratories direct communications to pharmacists and their patients.

Listed on the NYSE Euronext Paris(TM) - Compartment C 

Indices CAC ® SMALL90 and CAC ® All-Tradable by inclusion 

ISIN: FR 0000077687 - Reuters: PHA.PA - Bloomberg: - PMGI FP

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Administrative and Financial Director: Jean-Yves SAMSON

Telephone: 03 83 15 90 67 -

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Telephone: 01 39 97 61 22 - 


Pharmagest announces the lauching of its e-health Pole