PHARMAGEST INTERACTIVE : Net profits up 9.7 % - Proposed dividend 1.80 €, a rise of 20 %

Villers-lès-Nancy, 26 March 2012 - 18:00 (CET)
Net profits up 9.7 %
Proposed dividend 1.80 €, a rise of 20 %
M€ Dec 2011 Dec 2010 Var.
Turnover 97.06 91.55 +  6.0 %
Operating Profit 17.79 16.81 +  5.8 %
Net Profit 12.11 11.04 + 9.7 %
Group Net Profit 11.75 10.72 + 9.7 %
Base Earnings per Share 3.90 3.56 + 9.5 %
The Board of Directors held a meeting on 23 March 2012 chaired by Thierry CHAPUSOT and attended by the auditors. It examined and drew up accounts for the financial year 2011. Audit procedures were carried out on the consolidated accounts. The certification report will be issued after the management report has been verified and the procedures required for publication of the annual financial report have been finalized.
Solid growth of turnover and results in 2011
On 31 December 2011 PHARMAGEST INTERACTIVE saw its consolidated turnover rise by 6 % to 97.06 M€, against 91.55 M€ in 2010.
The improvement in the Operating Profit to 17.79 M€, up 5.8 % on 2010, conveys primarily the sound foundations of the Group's business model as well as effective management.
Carried by an excellent Financial Result, Net Profit rose by 9.7 % compared with the same period in 2010 to 12.11 M€.
The Base Earnings per Share of 3.90 € is up 9.5 %. 
In view of the rise in Net Profit and the solid fundamentals, at the Annual General Meeting on 22 June 2012 PHARMAGEST INTERACTIVE will propose paying a net dividend of 1.80 €, an exceptional 20 % increase.
Key events in 2011
In France, in an uncertain economic context in view of the public authorities' efforts to control health expenditure especially by means of a reduction in the price of medicinal products or drug reimbursement amounts, the PHARMAGEST Group's two main activities, Pharmacy France and Laboratories Activity, saw increases of 3.6 % and 22 % respectively compared with 2010.
PHARMAGEST INTERACTIVE has expanded its offer by acquiring two new holdings in 2011:
-A minority holding (35 %) in the Canadian start-up company GROUPE DOMEDIC Inc which has developed an innovative electronic pill dispenser, a solution that helps to reduce the risks linked to iatrogenic accidents or compliance failures;
-A majority holding (65 %) in DOMEDIC EUROPE, a French company with exclusive distribution rights in Europe for the products of GROUPE DOMEDIC Inc.
Moreover, PHARMAGEST INTERACTIVE has set up technical and organizational structures that have enabled it to file two approval applications to host health data of a personal nature in the areas of outsourced backup and telemedicine.
Prospects for 2012
2012 will be devoted to consolidating the new e-Health area of activity, the setting up of which explains the recent holdings acquired by PHARMAGEST INTERACTIVE. It includes the subsidiaries DOMEDIC Europe and DIATELIC (expert systems for telemedicine and telehealth). Obtaining approval to be a Host of Health Data of a personal nature on 4 January 2012 from the Ministry of Health supplements the new offer linked to e-Health, a fast developing market, by guaranteeing an excellent level of security for sending and storing health data.
Through this area of activity and with these new competencies, the PHARMAGEST Group is strengthening its strategy aimed at offering the services that pharmacists will definitely need as they implement the HPST (hospitals, patients, health and territories) law and their future remuneration per act, and at accessing the e-Health market more widely.
In addition, PHARMAGEST INTERACTIVE is continuing its approach of seeking external growth in France and Europe.
Forthcoming meetings
27 March 2012: Presentation of annual results
End of April 2012: 2011 Reference Document available
10 May 2012: Press release with 1st quarter 2011 turnover figures
12 June 2012: Gilbert Dupont Health Day
22 June 2012: Annual General Meeting
About the PHARMAGEST Group:
The PHARMAGEST Group is the French leader in computer systems for pharmacies, with a 43.5 % share of the market, 9800 clients and more than 700 employees. Since September 2007, the PHARMAGEST Group has also been present in Northern Europe with a 12 % market share in Belgium and Luxembourg through its subsidiary SABCO.
As a privileged partner to pharmacists for almost 30 years now, the PHARMAGEST Group designs innovative computer solutions for pharmacies and is developing a high potential E-Business E-Media activity intended for laboratories. 
The PHARMAGEST Group is also developing new software solutions for housing facilities for elderly and dependent people and outpatient structures for elderly people, through its subsidiary MALTA Informatique.
The first Logiciel de Gestion à Portail Intégré (Integrated Portal Management Software - LGPI Global Services®), creator of value for the patient, pharmacist and laboratory, dynamizes sales, optimizes purchases and enriches advice to the patient. It is also the first permanent impact medium for pharmacies, supplying laboratories with direct communication towards the pharmacist and his patients.
Listed on the NYSE Euronext Paris(TM) - Compartment C 
Indices CAC ® SMALL90 and CAC ® All-Tradable by inclusion 
ISIN: FR 0000077687 - Reuters: PHA.PA  - Bloomberg: - PMGI FP
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Analyst and Investor Relations: 
Administrative and Financial Director: Jean-Yves SAMSON
Tel. 03 83 15 90 67 -
Press Relations: 
Tel. 01 39 97 61 22 - 


Pharmagest : Net Profit for 2011 up 9.7%