PHARMAGEST INTER@CTIVE : 3rd Quarter Turnover (30 September 2012): + 9.7 %

Villers-lès-Nancy, 14 November 2012 - 18.30 (CET)

3rd Quarter Turnover (30 September 2012): + 9.7 %

In millions of euros 2012 2011 Variation
1st half year 55.03 50.23 + 9.6 %
3rd quarter (non audited) 24.57 22.40 + 9.7 %
9 month total 79.60 72.64 + 9.6 %

The PHARMAGEST Group maintains an excellent level of growth (+ 9.7 %) with turnover of 24.57 M€ for the 3rd quarter alone, bringing turnover for the 9 months to 79.6 M€, a rise of 9.6% compared to 30 September 2011.

Note on activity:

*Pharmacy France business continues its growth with turnover of 65.84 M€ at 30 September 2012 which is a 10.2 % increase compared to 30 September 2011 (+8.4 % for the 3rd quarter alone):
-Configurations sales + 11.9 %
-Recurring revenue (maintenance and data bases): + 7.6 %
-Sales of products developed by Pharmagest Interactive: + 9.4 %
The Pharmacy France business represents 82.7 % of the Group's turnover at the end of the 3rd quarter 2012.

*As was anticipated at the end of the 2nd quarter, the sales and organisational activities that have been implemented are beginning to bear fruit and have enabled the Pharmacy business in Belgium and Luxembourg to produce turnover that is up 22.8% in the 3rd quarter 2012, bringing turnover at 30 September 2012
to 2.38 M€, a rise of 6.8% compared to the same period in 2011.
At 30 September 2012, BELUX business is contributing to Group turnover at a level of 3%.

*The Laboratories business, with turnover of 8.58 M€ and due to a successful 3rd quarter (rise of 5.2% compared to 3rd quarter 2011) picks up its slight fall of -3% at 30 June 2012 to -0.6% at 30 September 2012. The only classic part of this business (excluding communication services) has produced growth of 10% in the 3rd quarter 2012.
The Laboratories business represents 10.8% of Group turnover at 30 September 2012.

*The Care Homes business, at 30 September 2012, posts turnover of 2.63 M€, an increase of 29.3% over 9 months and of 44.7% over the 3rd quarter 2012 alone, which is marked by a strong increase in licence sales (+55% compared to 3rd quarter 2011).
The Care Homes business represents 3.3% of Group turnover at 30 September 2012 compared to 2.8% at 30 September 2011.

*The new e-Health business, created during the 1st quarter of 2012, has not yet contributed to the PHARMAGEST Group turnover in any significant way.



The activity of the PHARMAGEST group should maintain a rhythm of sustained growth to the end of the year 2012, due to its economic model and high level of recurring business.

Moreover, the Group will continue with its research and development efforts to help the pharmacist and is always alert to opportunities for external growth both in France and internationally in the fields of innovative technologies, linked to health.

Financial timetable:

-Publication of Q4 Turnover figures 13 February 2013

About the PHARMAGEST Group:
The PHARMAGEST Group is the French leader in computer systems for pharmacies, with a 43.5% share of the market, 9,800 clients and more than 700 employees. Since September 2007, the PHARMAGEST Group has also been present in Northern Europe with a 12% market share in Belgium and Luxembourg through its subsidiary SABCO.

As a privileged partner to pharmacists for almost 30 years now, the PHARMAGEST Group designs innovative computer solutions for pharmacies and is developing a high potential E-Business E-Media activity intended for laboratories.

The PHARMAGEST Group is also developing previously unpublished software solutions for Retirement Homes (Care Homes and day centres for the elderly), through its subsidiary MALTA INFORMATIQUE.

The first Logiciel de Gestion à Portail Intégré (Integrated Portal Management Software - LGPI Global Services® ), creator of value for the patient, pharmacist and laboratory, dynamizes sales, optimizes purchases and enriches advice to the patient. It is also the first permanent impact medium for pharmacies, supplying laboratories with direct communication towards the pharmacist and his patients.

At the heart of the digital revolution that is gradually establishing itself in the daily life of health professionals and patients alike, at the beginning of 2012, the PHARMAGEST Group created an e-Health business, bringing together the subsidiaries DIATELIC (telemedicine and e-health solutions) and DOMEDIC EUROPE (intelligent pill dispenser DO-Pill SecureTM ).  

 Listed on the NYSE Euronext Paris(TM) - Compartment C
 Under the index CAC  SMALL90 and SBF 250 by inclusion
 ISIN: FR 0000077687 - Reuters: PHA.PA  - Bloomberg: - PMGI FP

Find out the latest news from the group at


Chairman of the Board of Directors: Thierry CHAPUSOT

Managing Director: Dominique PAUTRAT
Tel. 03 83 15 90 67 -

Analyst and Investor Relations: Administrative and Financial Director: Jean-Yves SAMSON
Tel. 03 83 15 90 67 -

Press Relations: FIN'EXTENSO Isabelle APRILE
Tel. 01 39 97 61 22 -


PHARMAGEST : 3rd Quarter Turnover