USHCC Congratulates Senator John Cornyn (R-TX) for His Selection as Senate Minority Whip

WASHINGTON, Nov. 14, 2012 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The United States Hispanic Chamber of Commerce (USHCC) applauded the election of Texas's senior Senator, John Cornyn (R-TX), to the number two Republican spot in the Senate. Voted into the Whip position by acclamation of the Republican Conference, Sen. Cornyn will succeed retiring Arizona Senator Jon Kyl.

"With the selection of Senator Cornyn as their Whip, Senate Republicans have shown they are eager to get back to work on fixing our economy," said USHCC President & CEO Javier Palomarez. "Senator Cornyn has a strong record of working with the Hispanic business community, so we see his elevation in the Senate leadership as proof that the Republican Conference as a whole will prioritize the needs of America's small businesses."

The USHCC has previously worked with Senator Cornyn on important legislation, including the Small Business Taxpayer Bill of Rights, the creation of the Keystone XL Pipeline, expanding free trade throughout Latin America, and common sense immigration reforms.

"Senator Cornyn has been one of the Senate's strongest advocates for Hispanic entrepreneurs," said USHCC Chairman Marc Rodriguez. "He has proven time and again that he understands the needs of America's small business community and that he will fight for us. We are very pleased that the Republican Conference has chosen such a strong advocate for its leadership, and we offer our congratulations as the USHCC looks forward to working with the entire Republican Conference during the upcoming legislative session."

About the United States Hispanic Chamber of Commerce

Founded in 1979, the USHCC actively promotes the economic growth and development of Hispanic entrepreneurs and represents the interests of over 3 million Hispanic-owned businesses in the United States that generate in excess of $465 billion annually. It also serves as the umbrella organization for more than 200 local Hispanic chambers in the United States and Puerto Rico. For more information, visit



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