Photo Release -- Georgia REALTORS(R) Hold Rally for Homeownership

ATLANTA, Jan. 30, 2013 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- REALTORS® from across the state gathered Tuesday morning, Jan. 29, for the Georgia REALTORS®' (GAR) Rally for Homeownership on the steps of Georgia's Capitol Building. More than 800 REALTORS® turned out for this event, the first of its kind for the group. Governor Nathan Deal was among the elected officials who spoke to the crowd, and he acknowledged REALTORS® for their efforts to help further economic development in Georgia.

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"Thank you for being the conduit between economic development and making people feel comfortable in the communities in which they live," said Deal. "You all improve the quality of life in Georgia."

Other Rally speakers included Senate President Pro Tempore David Shafer, House Minority Leader Stacey Abrams, Rep. Roger Bruce of Atlanta, Rep. Virgil Flood of Tyrone, and Rep. Micah Gravely of Douglasville.

Barbara Kennon of Columbus served as emcee of the Rally, and 2013 GAR President Robin Lance of Savannah cited the long history of the REALTORS® working on behalf of private property rights and homeownership. "Since 1920, Georgia REALTORS® have been diligent and alert to any threats that would negatively impact home owners and property owners. Not only do we look out for our members, but we are the watch dogs for private property for ALL the citizens of Georgia."

After the Rally was over, the REALTORS® entered the Capitol, where they met face-to-face with their local elected officials to discuss issues and legislation that could potentially affect homeownership and private property rights during the 2013 session of the Georgia General Assembly.

The Georgia Association of REALTORS® (also referred to as "Georgia REALTORS®") is a voluntary professional association of approximately 26,000 licensed real estate brokers and salespersons engaged in all aspects of the real estate business throughout Georgia. GAR is the leading advocate for the real estate industry in Georgia, committed to protecting private property rights and free enterprise, maintaining ethical and professional standards, and enhancing the public's awareness and confidence in REALTORS®

Homeownership Rally Governor Nathan Deal

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