Woman Alleges Merck Failed to Disclose Risks of Fosamax, Rottenstein Law Group Reports

NEW YORK, March 13, 2013 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The first trial to feature claims that Merck hid the alleged bone-weakening, femur-fracturing side effects of Fosamax began this week.* Christina Su, 67, filed the Fosamax lawsuit against Merck in New Jersey Superior Court. The Rottenstein Law Group, a Fosamax law firm, is monitoring this trial via numerous sources and will provide updates at www.fosamaxlawsuitscenter.com.

Opening statements for the trial, In re: Su v. Merck & Co., (ATL-L-0789-11-MT, Superior Court of New Jersey, Atlantic City), began on Tuesday, March 12. Su's attorney asserted that Su's femur fracture was the result of taking Fosamax, a bisphosphonate, which he said Merck marketed knowing the risks, so it could preserve profits, according to Bloomberg. Merck has announced in securities filings that it faces more than 3,300 lawsuits (including federal) from plaintiffs alleging either femur fractures or jaw death, the article said.

"If the allegations against Merck are true, then the company needs to be held accountable," said Rochelle Rottenstein, principal of the Rottenstein Law Group. "Those who use the medications prescribed to them trust that those medications will not harm them."

The Rottenstein Law Group represents clients who believe they have been harmed by Fosamax and encourages people to visit the firm's case website to download a free brochure to help them determine if they have a case.

Nationwide lawsuits have been divided into two different federal pretrial case consolidations. Cases involving alleged femur fractures are handled in the U.S. District Court for the District of New Jersey (MDL-2243). Lawsuits related to Fosamax's alleged jaw death side effects are being handled in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York (MDL-1789).


The Rottenstein Law Group is a New York-based firm that represents clients nationwide in mass tort actions. The firm was founded by Rochelle Rottenstein, who has more than two decades of experience as a lawyer, to represent clients hurt by defective medical devices. (Attorney advertising. Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome.)

* bloomberg.com/news/2013-03-12/merck-hid-fosamax-s-bone-weakening-risks-lawyer-contends.html



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