90th Birthday Anniversary of HH Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - March 21, 2013) - On March 21, 2013 people all over the world will celebrate the 90th anniversary of what would have been Her Holiness Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi's birthday. Recognized as an important spiritual figure of our time, she founded the worldwide meditation movement, Sahaja Yoga. Those who practice Sahaja Yoga will use this occasion to reflect upon Shri Mataji's extraordinary life and profound spiritual teachings.

Born in India on March 21, 1923, Shri Mataji's unique spiritual predisposition was immediately apparent to all who met her, including Mahatma Gandhi. She knew from a very young age that she had a unique gift and wanted first to show, by her own example, the perfect compatibility of a deeply spiritual life with the ordinary life of a householder.

As a young woman, Shri Mataji studied medicine and psychology at the Christian Medical College Ludhiana and the Balakram Medical College in Lahore. In 1947, shortly before India's independence, she married Chandrika Prasad (CP) Srivastava, a high-ranking civil servant. The couple had two daughters, Kalpana and Sadhana, and Mrs. Srivastava spent the following years as a housewife, raising her children and caring for her husband in his new role as principal secretary to the then Prime Minister Lal Bahadur Shastri.

When their daughters were married and settled Shri Mataji began her public spiritual work. Thus, on the 5th May, 1970, while in meditation on a lonely beach of Nargol (India), she discovered the secret to en-masse Self-Realization through which thousands of people could achieve union with the deepest, most subtle aspect of their being, thereby triggering a process of spiritual self-transformation. Sahaja Yoga was born!

Since then Shri Mataji had dedicated her life to the spiritual ascent of mankind, visiting every corner of the world, granting people the experience of Self-Realization and communicating her message of integration and harmony. She reclaimed the role of women in the spiritual realm and laid the groundwork for a society based on enlightened spiritual awareness.

Over a forty-year period, her vision for a world of peaceful, balanced, enlightened people grew from a handful of devotees to an internationally recognized movement, which led to her receiving the United Nations Peace Medal and nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize. She has built hospitals, schools, music and art academies, shelters for abused women and children, based around the practice of Sahaja Yoga, as well as the all-important centres for meditation.

It is estimated that millions of people in more than eighty countries around the world are continuing to teach Her meditation techniques, without charge. She is remembered by her words, "You cannot know the meaning of life until you are connected to the power that created you." It is that connection that she sought to give to so many. For more information, please visit our website, www.freemeditation.com.

Experience your Self-Realization now: http://www.sahajayoga.org/experienceitnow/default.asp

Online Meditation courses - http://www.onlinemeditation.org/

Meditation Video link

Vishwa Nirmala Dharma Educational Society/Sahaja Yoga International is a world-wide non-profit organization dedicated to teaching and spreading the art of meditation around the world as well as to provide education on our collective spiritual roots. The principles on which Sahaja Yoga International is based are morality, spirituality, mutual help in our evolution, search for truth, and healing our problems using our inner potential on an individual and collective level. Free classes are offered throughout Canada and the world. Information on locations and times can be found on our website: www.freemeditation.com.

Contact Information:

Vishwa Nirmala Dharma Educational Society
Arvind Ahuja