International Recognition for the Wirion(R) EPD From Allium Medical Solutions

Two Successful Catheterization Live Cases Using the Company's Unique Filter Broadcasted From the EuroPCR, the Main Annual European Conference for Cardiovascular Interventions in Paris

Assaf Alperowitz: "The Company's participation in two live cases at the EuroPCR Conference is strategically important for us."

CAESAREA, Israel, June 6, 2013 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Allium Medical (TASE:ALMD), a medical device company engaged in minimally invasive technologies, which is in the process of a pivotal clinical trial targeted towards obtaining FDA approval, today announced that it had been chosen to broadcast two live surgical cases at the main cardiovascular conference in Paris – EuroPCR 2013. The company participated in two live cases that were broadcasted from the hospitals where the procedures took place, while emphasizing the successful use of the Wirion® filter in carotid artery stenting. The live cases were mediated by leading physicians in this field. The audience included physicians and representatives of international corporations from all over the world. The aforesaid procedures were completed with great success.

Assaf Alperowitz, Company CEO: "The Company's successful participation in two live cases at the PCR is strategically important to us. This is one of the most important European and global conferences, attracting representatives of international corporations and exposing them to innovative technologies, as well as leading physicians and specialists. We are proud that our product was selectively chosen for use by the leading physicians in procedures that demonstrated the use of our innovative, unique product in live cases, expressing the physicians' trust in our product and unique technology. The procedures were very successful, and demonstrated the ease of using the filter, the ability to place the filter optimally anywhere along a guide-wire of choice, and its high level of performance."

During the PCR opening session, a live case was broadcasted in the main hall from the Henri Mondur Hospital in Paris, led by Prof. Jean Pierre Becquemin. The broadcast presented a carotid artery stenting procedure of a 67-year-old patient suffering from stenosis in the carotids and coronary arteries. The procedure focused on treatment of the carotid artery, and demonstrated the use of a robot to complete the first part of the catheterization and the use of the company's special protection filter against embolisms throughout the procedure. Prof. Becquemin and the panel in the hall explained and demonstrated the benefits of the product while emphasizing that it is an independent filter with a special mechanism enabling the physician to lock it on any guide wire of choice and anywhere along the wire.

The system has CE approval, and the company is in the process of a pivotal clinical trial, targeted towards obtaining FDA approval.

About Allium Medical

The company completed extensive strategic initiatives, including two acquisitions, by way of share exchanges, of companies whose activity is synergetic with the company – Gardia Medical Ltd. and IBI Israel Biomedical Innovations Ltd. These acquisitions have given the company critical mass and strong leverage in the minimally invasive technologies domain. The Company is now operating in three attractive medical fields: Urology (stents - Allium®Stents), Gynecology (EndoFast® - IBI) and Cardiovascular (Gardia – EPD).


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