Wilderness Ventures Introduces Teens to UNESCO World Heritage Sites Across the Globe

Leading teen summer camp outfitter, Wilderness Ventures, gives teens the chance to discover some of the world's most famous cultural and historical sights through their innovative teen adventure programs

Jackson, Wyo., Sept. 5, 2013 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Wilderness Ventures, the longest running and most experienced adventure travel program offering teen summer camps, gives teens the chance to explore and discover some of the world's most fascinating UNESCO World Heritage sites on their unique teen adventure tours. These extraordinary sites are deemed by UNESCO as having cultural, historical, or physical significance and are an important part of the global heritage of the citizens of the world.

Yellowstone National Park: Spanning some 3,468 sq. miles and being part of three different states in the U.S., Yellowstone National Park contains half of all the world's known geothermal features, with more than 10,000 examples and is home to more than 300 geysers, ample wildlife, and spectacular scenery. Since 1972, Wilderness Ventures has offered teen programs in Yellowstone and the Northwest U.S. On these tours, young people can kayak, hike, raft, and learn wilderness survival skills in this vast and breathtaking wilderness while experiencing the magic of one of the most treasured wilderness areas in the world.

Olympic National Park: Located in the extreme Northwest of the Lower 48 in the state of Washington, Olympic National Park is best known for its amazing biological diversity and has been called "three parks in one" thanks to its multiple ecosystems. This unique national park includes glacier-peaked mountains, lovely alpine meadows, temperate rainforest, and a dazzling coastline. On Wilderness Ventures tours, teens get a taste of unforgettable wildlife viewing, mountain trekking, paddle sports, camping, and more.

Great Barrier Reef: Known for its remarkable beauty and marine diversity, the Great Barrier Reef is located on the Northeast coast of Australia and contains the largest collection of coral reefs in the world, in addition to an astounding variety of marine life. Wilderness Ventures offers teens the once in a lifetime chance to Scuba dive in the Great Barrier Reef while also giving them the chance to earn PADI open water certification.

The Galapagos Islands: Famous for being the place that inspired Darwin's theory of evolution, the Galapagos Islands remain on the "bucket lists" of many adventurers. This destination includes 19 islands and a surrounding marine reserve that offers visitors the chance to see evolution in real life. Wilderness Ventures gives teens the chance to hike, snorkel, sea kayak, and surf these famous islands while learning about this unique ecosystem and its inhabitants.

Kilimanjaro National Park: As the highest mountain peak in Africa, Mount Kilimanjaro stretches above the Tanzanian wilderness and beckons mountaineers to climb. Surrounded by land that is home to numerous wildlife species, many of which are endangered, Mount Kilimanjaro offers adventurers one of the most exciting and challenging mountain climbing experiences in the world.Wilderness Ventures leads teens on tours that include a guided climb of Kilimanjaro to the "roof of Africa".

About Wilderness Ventures:

Pioneering outdoor adventures for young adults and with more than 21,000 student alumni, Wilderness Ventures has paved the way for domestic and international teen adventure travel.  Wilderness Ventures four decades of unwavering values of community, wholesome environments, safety, wilderness education, conservation, and exploration have resulted in an unmatched and trusted reputation.