Concussion Management System Helps Protect Kids From Undetected Concussions

Head Case Launches Indiegogo Campaign October 1st to Bring Affordable Concussion Management Solution to Young Athletes Everywhere

CHICAGO, Oct. 1, 2013 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Sports were a huge part of Dan Nicholson's life. He played football, soccer and hockey, but never imagined that the 10 or more concussions he sustained would later impact his life. (See video)

As an adult, Dan began to suffer from memory loss, depression, anxiety and mood swings. Tests revealed he had CTE (chronic traumatic encephalopathy), a dementia-like brain disease afflicting athletes exposed to repeated brain trauma.

When his own three kids began playing contact sports, he didn't want them to suffer the same fate. After looking for a concussion management solution, all of the products he found were expensive and targeted at professional athletes. That's why he and his business partner, Tom Hodgkins, created the Head Case Concussion Management System, an affordable three-part system that measures head impacts, records data and provides diagnostic tools to detect symptoms of a concussion.

The system uses the Head Case Impact Sensor, a small device inserted in a helmet to monitor and measure head impacts. The sensor can detect impacts of concern and alert parents and coaches.

If an impact of concern occurs, the coach or parent can administer a field-side test through the free Head Case Mobile App. If the test reveals symptoms of a possible concussion, the athlete is alerted to seek medical treatment and discontinue play.

Results of the concussion test can then be uploaded to the athlete's personal profile on the Head Case Website, where a comprehensive head health record is stored. Athletes, coaches and parents can review the data, along with concussion analysis and reporting tools.

"Our goal is to protect kids from the risks of undetected concussions," says Nicholson. "Playing with a concussion can be fatal and almost guarantees additional injury to an athlete's brain. We can't put our kids' futures at risk because of undetected concussions."

Former NFL pros Tom Waddle and Chris Chandler have also gotten behind Head Case. "As a parent of four very active daughters, I want my kids to enjoy sports and be safe," says Waddle, who played for the Chicago Bears. "With Head Case, I can have a detailed diagnostic history of my child's brain health."

Months of development and research have gone into creating the Head Case Concussion Management System. On October 1st, Head Case launches their crowdfunding campaign on Indiegogo in order to bring the product to market and to schools around the country.

The product will retail for $99 and includes a one-year website subscription. The sensor can be used in multiple helmets.

Head Case:

Founded by concerned parents of competitive kids, Head Case is a sports technology company with the mission to protect athletes from the cumulative risk of otherwise undetected concussions. The Head Case Concussion Management System is an affordable, easy-to-use full circle program that measures head impacts, provides diagnostic tools to detect potential concussions and recommends local treatment facilities available. The system is comprised of the Head Case Impact Sensor, Head Case Mobile App, and Head Case Website. Head Case was founded by Dan Nicholson and Tom Hodgkins. Through education and awareness, Head Case aims to prevent traumatic brain injuries and long-term permanent brain damage due to repeated undetected concussions.


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