Correction of the EGM date published in SvD announcement

Press Release
October 14, 2013

Viss information i den kungörelse om kallelse till extra bolagsstämma att hållas
den  7 november  2013 som  publicerats  i  SvD Näringsliv den 14 oktober 2013 är
felaktig  - korrigering  kommer att  publiceras i  SvD Näringsliv den 14 oktober
samt den 15 oktober 2013
Certain  contents  of  the  announcement  of  the  issue of notice to attend the
extraordinary  general meeting  scheduled for  7 November 2013 published  in SvD
Näringsliv on 14 October 2013 are incorrect - corrections to be published on 14
October 2013 and 15 October 2013

Viss  information i den kungörelse om kallelse till extra bolagsstämma i Russian
Real  Estate Investment Company  AB (publ) ("Ruric"  eller "Bolaget") att hållas
den  7 november  2013 som  publicerats  i  SvD Näringsliv den 14 oktober 2013 är
felaktig,  på grund av ett tryckfel hos Svenska Dagbladet. Kungörelsens innehåll
är  felaktig  vad  avser  datumet  för  extra bolagsstämma, senaste dag att vara
införd  i aktieboken  samt anmälan  till Ruric  om avsikt  att delta  i stämman.
Korrigering  kommer att publiceras i SvD  Näringsliv den 14 oktober samt den 15
oktober        2013. Den        kallelse        som        publicerats        på  samt i Post- och Inrikes Tidningar den
14 oktober 2013 är korrekt.

The  contents  of  the  announcement  of  the notice to attend the extraordinary
general  meeting in Russian Real Estate Investment Company AB (publ) ("Ruric" or
the  "Company")  scheduled  for  7 November  2013, which  was  published  in SvD
Näringsliv  on  14 October  2013 are  incorrect  following  a mistake on Svenska
Dagbladet's  part.  The announced  information is incorrect  as regards the date
for  the  extraordinary  general  meeting,  last  day  to  be  registered in the
shareholders'  register and notice  of attendance to  Ruric. Corrections will be
published  in SvD Näringsliv on  14 October 2013 and 15 October 2013. The notice
published   on  and  in  the  Swedish
Official Gazette on 14 October 2013 is correct.

For additional information:

Tatiana Ottestig, CEO
Tel.: +7 (812) 309-78-95

About Ruric:

RURIC   AB   (Russian  Real  Estate  Investment  Company  AB  (publ)  (reg.  no.
556653-9705, Lindhagensgatan   94, SE-112 18 Stockholm))  is  a  public  limited
liability  company incorporated under  the laws of  Sweden, operating in the St.
Petersburg commercial real estate market since 2004.

The  company is  dealing with  the investment  projects coordination,  local and
national market approach consulting, valuation and property trust services. Real
estate portfolio construction and management services are also included.

RURIC's Certified Advisor at First North is Erik Penser Bankaktiebolag



Correction of the EGM date published in SvD announcement (.pdf file).pdf