SYSTRAN :Dassault Falcon Service deploys SYSTRAN's translation tools in its workshops

PARIS, France, Nov. 5, 2013 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) --

          Dassault Falcon Service deploys SYSTRAN's translation tools
                                in its workshops

Paris,  France, November 4, 2013 - SYSTRAN  today announced that Dassault Falcon
Service  has opted for SYSTRAN translation tools to facilitate the understanding
of its English-language documentation.

A  subsidiary of Dassault Aviation located at Paris-Le Bourget Airport, Dassault
Falcon  Service (DFS) is the world's biggest Falcon aircraft maintenance center.
It  provides its  customers with  a comprehensive  range of  services, including
scheduled   maintenance,  interior  renovation  and  modernization,  engine  and
avionics modifications, servicing, repairs and equipment testing.

To deliver these services as promptly as possible and in compliance with quality
requirements,  the service  technicians conduct  their work  by referring to job
control  cards, created and written in  English by the aircraft manufacturer. As
part of an English-language training plan, DFS sought to deploy tools that would
assist  with understanding, and  thus turned to  SYSTRAN's automatic translation

The  objective  behind  the  deployment  of  these  tools is twofold: to empower
service  technicians in terms  of linguistic self-sufficiency  by providing them
with  straightforward, high-performance tools that promote understanding, and to
cope with employees' increasing needs in terms of translation.

Faced  with these challenges, SYSTRAN proposed  its SYSTRAN Enterprise Server 7
solution.   Deployed on  the DFS  intranet and  accessible by certain employees,
this  solution  meets  the  constraints  laid  down  by  the  IT  department, in
particular  those  concerning  security.  A  bilingual French-English dictionary
containing  DFS-specific technical vocabulary was  specially developed to ensure
both  the  relevance  of  the  translations  and users' adherence. By drawing on
existing maintenance manuals that have already been translated, SYSTRAN has also
implemented   machine-learning   tools   to  create  a  translation  model  that
contributes to final translation quality.

"Today, thanks to SYSTRAN, we have an operational, easy-to-use translation tool"
explains   Samuel   Noullier,  Continuous  Improvement  Manager.  "In  addition,
SYSTRAN's  customization effort means we  benefit from quality translations that
accommodate  the vocabulary specific  to our business.  This additional level of
working comfort is much appreciated by our service technicians".


SYSTRAN is the market historic provider of language translation software
products and solutions for the desktop, enterprise and Internet.

Use of SYSTRAN products and solutions enhance multilingual communication and
increase user productivity. SYSTRAN delivers real-time language solutions for
search, content management, online customer support, intra or intercompany
collaboration, and eCommerce.

With the ability to facilitate communication in 52+ language combinations and in
20 vertical domains, SYSTRAN's software is the choice of leading global
corporations, portals and public agencies.

SYSTRAN has been pioneering advances in machine translation for over four
decades. Its latest achievement, SYSTRAN Hybrid MT, combines the predictability
and language consistency of rule-based machine translation with the fluency of
statistical MT.

SYSTRAN is headquartered in Paris, France with a North American office located
in San Diego, California, USA.

SYSTRAN (Code ISIN FR0004109197, Bloomberg: SYST NM, Reuters: SYTN.LN) is listed
on EuroNext Paris, Compartiment C.

For more information, visit


Dimitris SABATAKAKIS, Chairman & CEO
Telephone: +33 (0)1 44 82 49 00 Fax: +33 (0)1 44 82 49 01

This      Press      Release      is      available     for     download     at:

About Dassault Falcon Service

Dassault  Falcon  Service  has,  since  1967, built  experience  in  the area of
business  aviation.  Due  to  its  integrated structure, Dassault Falcon Service
offers  an extensive suite of maintenance, management and technical services for
Falcon  business jets. Located at Paris-Le  Bourget airport, DFS is a subsidiary
of Dassault Aviation and a member of the Dassault Aircraft Services network. The
company also supplies a special Ramp Service with a team unique in Europe, ready
to  support you at Paris-Le Bourget  airport or anywhere your aircraft requires.
Its activities include FBO services as well as aircraft management and executive


