Notice of the postponement of the completion of the restructuring of Russian Real Estate Investment Company AB (publ)'s Bond Loan and the blocking of trading in its Bonds

Press Release
November 12, 2013

Underrättelse  om förskjutet  genomförande av  omstruktureringen av Russian Real
Estate  Investment  Company  AB  (publ)'s  Obligationslån samt om handelsstopp i
Notice  of the  postponement of  the completion  of the restructuring of Russian
Real Estate Investment Company AB (publ)'s Bond Loan and the blocking of trading
in its Bonds

Russian  Real Estate  Investment Company  AB (publ)'s  ("Ruric" eller "Bolaget")
underrättar   härmed   innehavare   av   obligationer   under   sitt  utestående
10%/13% 2010/2014 obligationslån  med ISIN SE0003045848 ("Obligationslånet") med
ett  totalt utestående nominellt belopp om SEK 619 750 000 ("Obligationerna") om
att  genomförandet av omstruktureringen av Obligationslånet, vilken var planerad
att  genomföras  senast  den  13 november  2013 i  enlighet  med  den indikativa
tidsplan  som följde av det informationsdokument som publicerades av Bolaget den
10 oktober  2013, nu förväntas genomföras mellan  den 18 och 22 november 2013, i
enlighet  med en överenskommelse mellan  Bolaget och företrädare för innehavarna
av Obligationerna.
Russian  Real Estate Investment  Company AB (publ)'s  ("Ruric" or the "Company")
hereby   gives   notice   to   the   holders  of  bonds  under  its  outstanding
10%/13% 2010/2014 bond loan with ISIN SE0003045848 and with an outstanding total
nominal  amount  of  SEK  619,750,000 (the  "Bonds")  that the completion of the
restructuring  of  the  Bonds,  which  was  expected  to take place on or before
November  13, 2013 as set  out in  the indicative  time plan  in the information
memorandum published by the Company on October 10, 2013, is now expected to take
place  between  November  18 and  22, 2013, as  agreed  between  Ruric  and  the
Bondholders' representative.

Därutöver  underrättar Ruric härmed innehavare av  Obligationer om att handeln i
Obligationerna  har  blockerats  i  Euroclear  Sweden AB's och handelsstoppats i
NASDAQ  OMX Stockholms system  från och med  idag och tills  vidare, i syfte att
möjliggöra genomförandet av omstruktureringen. Handel i Obligationerna är därmed
inte längre möjlig.
In  addition, Ruric hereby notifies  the holders of the  Bonds that, in order to
facilitate  the completion  of the  restructuring of  the Bonds,  trading in the
Bonds  has been blocked in  the systems of Euroclear  Sweden AB and suspended in
the  systems of  NASDAQ OMX  Stockholm effective  as of  today's date  until the
completion of the restructuring. Accordingly no further trading in the Bonds may
take place.

For additional information:

Tatiana Ottestig, CEO
Tel.: +7 (812) 309-78-95

About Ruric:

RURIC   AB   (Russian  Real  Estate  Investment  Company  AB  (publ)  (reg.  no.
556653-9705, Lindhagensgatan   94, SE-112 18 Stockholm))  is  a  public  limited
liability  company incorporated under  the laws of  Sweden, operating in the St.
Petersburg commercial real estate market since 2004.

The  company is  dealing with  the investment  projects coordination,  local and
national market approach consulting, valuation and property trust services. Real
estate portfolio construction and management services are also included.

RURIC's Certified Advisor at First North is Erik Penser Bankaktiebolag



Press Release - November 12, 2013 (.pdf file).pdf