2lemetry Joins Salesforce Wear Initiative, Accelerating the Adoption of Wearables in the Enterprise

2lemetry empowers customers to quickly process and transform data from wearable devices into meaningful information, and take action within Salesforce. Salesforce Wear initiative creates the first ecosystem connecting wearable technologies with enterprise developers to connect with customers in a whole new way.

DENVER, Colo., Sept. 4, 2014 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- via PRWEB - 2lemetry today announced it has joined the Salesforce Wear initiative, creating the first ecosystem dedicated to accelerating the adoption of wearables in the enterprise. As part of the initiative 2lemetry is helping businesses create wearable experiences with its ThingFabric™ Internet of Things platform.

2lemetry enables companies to quickly and efficiently collect, analyze and act on wearable data with the ThingFabric™ Internet of Things platform. Furthermore, 2lemetry's ThingFabric™ empowers companies with the flexibility to communicate with any type of wearable, regardless of its manufacturer or protocol.

Comments on the News:
"By joining the power of wearables, Salesforce and the Internet of Things, we are driving enterprise innovation in ways previously not possible," said Kyle Roche, CEO of 2lemetry. "Companies can completely re-imagine how they will better serve their customers, and make that a reality today."

"Like mobile 10 years ago, wearables present a huge opportunity for businesses to transform the way they work," said Daniel Debow, SVP emerging technologies, salesforce.com. "By leveraging the power of the Salesforce1 Customer Platform, 2lemetry is helping companies connect with their customers in a whole new way."

Product Key Features:
2lemetry's ThingFabric™ provides companies looking to create wearable solutions with:

  • A cloud platform that eliminates costly hardware and upkeep, and provides wearable connectivity at scale
  • A high performance datastore that allows you to collect the high data volumes that are created by wearables
  • An advanced analytics and rules engine to make sense of wearable data
  • A data broker for protocol translation that allows you to communicate with any device or protocol
  • An integration with Salesforce that enables companies to quickly develop mission critical wearable solutions for the enterprise

2lemetry also brings its experience working with wearable technology – from Google Glass, the Garmin Fit, Bluetooth Low Energy, to custom-built devices. As an example, 2lemetry is currently co-developing an Android based GPS/cellular watch with SafetyCare. With the connected SafetyCare wearable device, senior care patients can simply swipe across the screen of the wearable to request immediate assistance, allowing them to stay connected at home, and delivering rapid resolution to issues. The Salesforce Wear Developer Pack for the Salesforce1 Platform:
Until now, there has not been a trusted, enterprise cloud platform for businesses that want to embrace wearables. Developers who wanted to create business focused applications did not have access to an industry leading platform, reference applications and code, ecosystem support or customer data. Developers in the wearable space built great prototypes, but were not connected to a platform. Now more than 1.5 million Salesforce1 developers can kickstart a wearable strategy. With access to a growing library of devices, sample code, documentation, demonstrations and reference apps to learn from, enterprise developers can immediately start building their own business applications connected to wearable devices. Additional Resources:

Salesforce, Salesforce1, Salesforce Wear and others are among the trademarks of salesforce.com, inc.

About 2lemetry:

2lemetry is an Internet of Things platform and technology company that powers the connected enterprise, tying people, processes, data and devices together-- transforming raw data into real-time actionable intelligence. For more information about 2lemetry, visit: 2lemetry.com

This article was originally distributed on PRWeb. For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit http://www.prweb.com/releases/2014/09/prweb12139365.htm


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