Nation's Top Lenders Partner with Morf Media Compliance Expert to Train the Trainers on New CFPB Disclosure Rules

Morf Media, Inc. executive Ginger Bell delivers the Definitive Playbook to one hundred and thirty loan originators in Portland on game-changing TILA-RESPA rules. Morf Media, Inc., developer of Morf Learning(TM), delivers a complete compliance training system via the cloud with built in authoring tools, gamification, smart analytics and reporting for fast, easy delivery to the mobile workforce on demand.

SAN FRANCISCO, Calif., Feb. 11, 2015 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- via PRWEB - Morf Media, Inc., developer of Morf Learning™, today announced Ginger Bell, SVP of Learning at Morf Media, is initiating a nationwide series of Train the Trainer seminars on important new regulatory changes impacting the Mortgage Industry. The free seminars are hosted by several of the nation's top mortgage lenders to provide definitive education on the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) and its new disclosure rules to take effect this summer.

The first Train-the-Trainers seminar takes place today in Portland hosted by Fidelity National Title. One hundred and thirty loan originators registered to maximum capacity. To find out more about upcoming Train the Trainer events, contact Ginger(at)morfmedia(dot)com.

The Train-the-Trainers seminar provides a platform for loan originators to effectively educate their real-estate industry partners about CFPB, the new disclosure and important changes. "The details of the new integrated disclosure forms and the trickle-down impacts nearly everyone in the mortgage industry," said Bell. "Leaders are partnering with us to train the trainers. We are making this change simpler with a step by step playbook for the TILA-RESPA rule so that lenders can train with confidence, get back to business and perform at the top of their game."

Mortgage industry experts report the new CFPB disclosure rules are a game-changer and are driving lenders and their suppliers' crazy. The rule pertains to the final settlement disclosure that is generally routine for lenders and title agents but the new rule adds responsibility to lenders to manage the exact timing and accuracy of the process. The rule also requires a change in the closing form which impacts business automation software and other systems.

"Morf Media has a mission to transform enterprise compliance training into a playbook for success for our industry partners," said Morf Media CEO Eduardo Cervantes. "Our deep industry expertise delivers the technology and the content for compliance management that helps companies focus on building their business with confidence amidst a sea change."

About Morf Media, Inc.

Morf Media, Inc., developer of Morf Learning,™ transforms enterprise compliance training into a playbook for serious business. Morf Learning provides a complete compliance training system via the cloud with built in authoring tools, gamification, smart analytics and reporting for fast, easy delivery to the mobile workforce anytime, anywhere. Morf Learning empowers trainers to rapidly develop, vet deploy and manage courseware, policy training and proof of examination up to 16 times faster than with traditional learning management systems (LMS). Designed to support optimal learning, retention and remediation, Morf Learning digitally presents key learning concepts in 3 minute chunks or less that level up upon concept mastery -- all driven by a fully gamified training engine. As a secure, subscription-based service, Morf Learning is affordable, easy to purchase, requires no IT management and serves as a stand-alone system. It offers an API that enables fast integration and courseware development for LMS, CRM, HRM, ERP and other systems.

Morf Media customers are Global 2000 companies running in complex or highly regulated environments, and include the finance, real estate, and pharmaceutical sectors. Morf Media is an early stage company with growing revenues and stable investors. The company's gamification technology received Red Herring's Top 100 award for innovation. Morf Media, Inc. was founded in 2013 and is headquartered in San Francisco, California.

For investor enquires and more information about Morf Media, please visit: or contact Roy Hanif at

This article was originally distributed on PRWeb. For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit


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