Nexcess Announces Platinum Sponsorship Of Midwest PHP Conference

Nexcess, a leading provider of performance optimized hosting for PHP applications that include WordPress and Magento, has announced that it will be a Platinum Sponsor of this year's Midwest PHP Conference.

SOUTHFIELD, Mich., March 10, 2015 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- via PRWEB - Nexcess, a leading provider of performance optimized hosting for PHP applications that include WordPress and Magento, has announced that it will be a Platinum Sponsor of this year's Midwest PHP Conference, one of the country's most prestigious gatherings of PHP developers and experts.

As a company that specializes in offering high performance hosting for PHP applications, Nexcess is deeply invested in the PHP community and values the opportunity to support what promises to be a fruitful gathering of PHP experts from across the field. Nexcess itself is home to many PHP developers, including those that created Nexcess' popular open source Turpentine Magento plugin, which improves integration between Magento and the Varnish caching reverse proxy.

"As a company, we're conscious of how we've benefited from the work of the communities who build the software and tools we use," commented Chris Wells, President and CEO of Nexcess, "We're always on the look out for opportunities to give back to the community, whether that's with code or with sponsorships that help bring together the people who are doing interesting work in the field. We all benefit from the ideas and relationships that are fostered by the Midwest PHP Conference."

This year's Midwest PHP Conference, which will be held at the University of St. Thomas in Minneapolis on March 14-15, features a wide array of speakers and sessions covering many areas of PHP development, as well as JavaScript, frameworks, content management systems, DevOps, and related topics of interest to developers and system administrators. Highlights include sessions focused on continuous integration, scaling WordPress and Magento, and getting involved in open source development.

About Nexcess

Nexcess is a Southfield, Michigan-based managed hosting company founded in 2000, with data centers distributed throughout the United States, Europe, and Australia. Nexcess offers a variety of hosting services ranging from entry-level packages to custom clustered/complex hosting configurations for Magento, WordPress, ExpressionEngine, and vBulletin, with an emphasis on achieving maximum performance for high-profile web sites. For more information, visit

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