Church of Scientology Hosts Luncheon for Nonprofits, Sees Highest Attendance

CLEARWATER, Fla., March 26, 2015 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- 91 guests, representing 45 charitable organizations, enjoyed the fifth Charity Coalition luncheon in Clearwater at the historic Fort Harrison, owned by the Church of Scientology. The highlights included a short talk from Diana Lugo of Religious Community Services (RCS) and a group discussion led by Dr. Avery Slyker of the University of South Florida.

Nonprofits represented included Boy Scouts of America, Leadership Pinellas, Hispanic Outreach Center, Outdoor Arts Foundation, Community Learning Center, Police Athletic League and Homeless Emergency Project.

Lisa Mansell, Community Affairs Director of the Church of Scientology, welcomed attendees and recapped the luncheon's goal from its formation by the Church in September of last year. She said, "The Charity Coalition Luncheons began with the purpose to unite nonprofit organizations and create collaboration."

Ms. Diana Lugo, Director of RCS shelter, Grace House, and guest speaker for the event, highlighted her emergency shelter and how they provide help and hope for the needy, abused and homeless. Attendees donated to the shelter in the form of dish and laundry detergent, totaling 54 bottles.

Dr. Avery Slyker's 40-minute educational program engaged all attendees in a collaborative table discussion. Each table had a preselected topic that attendees discussed for 8 minutes before shifting on to another table. Topics included: "Best Practices"; "Funding"; "Joint Programming"; "Mergers and Alliances" and "Shared Services".

Marc Norton of the Tampa Bay Veterans Alliance stated, "The collaboration helped on what I can do for my 501(c)3."

The program concluded at 1pm and attendees stayed an additional hour to network. One attendee said, "I loved being able to share ideas with other groups that are also interested in improving conditions. The program by Dr. Slyker was a great conversation starter! Lots of great viewpoints and ideas."

The next Charity Coalition luncheon will take place on May 27th.

The Church of Scientology Flag Service Organization

The Flag Services Organization is a religious retreat which serves as the spiritual headquarters for Scientologists from all over the world. This Clearwater Church makes its historic Fort Harrison available free of charge to nonprofit organizations to hold community events and supports area nonprofits. Scientology's founder, L. Ron Hubbard, serves as the example for the Church's humanitarian efforts. Mr. Hubbard once said, "A community that pulls together can make a better society for all."


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