Badge of Honor Memorial Foundation Partners with Cumulus Media for National Police Week to Honor Fallen Officers, Announces Motorola Solutions Foundation Grant

National Police Week is upon us and the Badge of Honor Memorial Foundation is launching a national campaign of public service announcements, live interviews, public affairs programs, and digital ads specifically geared to honor and raise awareness for law enforcement officers killed in the line of duty and the families they leave behind.

DALLAS, Texas, May 12, 2015 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- via PRWEB - National Police Week kicks off with two important contributions in honoring and raising awareness for law enforcement officers killed in the line of duty.

The Badge of Honor Memorial Foundation is proud to be partnering with Cumulus Media for the second consecutive year to spread the word about National Police Week and gratefully announces it has received a grant of $50,000 from the Motorola Solutions Foundation, the charitable arm of Motorola Solutions, Inc.

The Badge of Honor Memorial Foundation is a 501(c)3 organization and the national advocacy group for the families and departments of officers killed in the line of duty, providing oversight and guidance in obtaining all of the Federal and State statutory benefits the survivors are entitled to, leading the way in casualty planning awareness and training to ensure that departments everywhere are prepared in advance of an officers death.

A large part of the Foundations mission is accomplished through the education of law enforcement organizations nationwide, and the Badge of Honor Memorial Foundation has developed a nationwide Casualty Assistance Training Program used in many states. Some departments are now using this training as annual continuing education for their command staff.

The Badge of Honor Foundation has also developed a complete Casualty Assistance Training Guide offered online to all departments who need immediate assistance. The Foundation is already utilizing the Motorola Solutions Foundation grant to expand this educational mission to more on site training of law enforcement departments and associations nationwide.

At all levels, law enforcement agencies across America are protecting our values, beliefs, and traditions. There are over 900,000 law enforcement officers defending America every day and sobering statics suggest one is killed every 53 hours. The American way of life across our states, cities, counties, and along our borders is dependent upon the bravery and commitment of these valued men and women who protect our communities, our businesses, and our lives.

In 1962, President John F. Kennedy signed a proclamation which designated May 15th as Peace Officers Memorial Day and the week in which that date falls as National Police Week. Currently, tens of thousands of law enforcement officers from around the world converge on Washington, DC to participate in a number of planned events which honor those that have paid the ultimate sacrifice.

The Badge of Honor Memorial Foundation is incredibly thankful to have the opportunity to partner with Cumulus Media for the second consecutive year during National Police Week. The Foundation's national media campaign will include public service announcements, live interviews, a digital strategy, and public affairs programming.

Most larger police departments and law enforcement organizations already have numerous policies and procedures that commence immediately when an officer is killed. However, the majority of deaths are not among departments located in the most densely populated cities. Smaller departments represent the greatest percentage of officer casualties and this is where the Foundation mission comes into play. In 2009, the Badge of Honor Memorial Foundation was recognized by the Bureau of Justice Assistance, a component of the US Department of Justice, as a valuable resource for all law enforcement in the US. (

The Foundation has also been instrumental in cases where the death of a law enforcement officer has been miscategorized and death benefits were not awarded to families. This process can take years to rectify and the Foundation stands with the department and the family during this incredibly difficult process. In the purest sense, the Badge of Honor Memorial Foundation's primary function is "cops helping cops."

This year's Police Week begins on the right foot for improving awareness of the services offered to law enforcement agencies, large and small, and to the families of officers who are killed in the line of duty. The Badge of Honor Memorial Foundation is ready to join forces with Cumulus Media in all 89 markets across their 460 radio stations to highlight National Police Week, to honor our fallen brothers and sisters, and to educate the public on their mission. In the second year working with Cumulus the Badge of Honor Memorial Foundation is hopeful that the message will resonate across the land.

Also noteworthy today is the huge announcement that the Badge of Honor Memorial Foundation has been awarded a grant of $50,000 from Motorola Solutions Foundation, the charitable arm of Motorola Solutions, Inc. The money has been earmarked specifically for education and has already allowed for an expanded training schedule in 2015.

"We are proud that the Motorola Solutions Foundation grants continue to fund efforts such as the Badge of Honor Memorial Foundation that helps support the families of fallen officers," said Matt Blakely, director of the Motorola Solutions Foundation.

The Badge of Honor Memorial Foundation will use the grant to fund its Casualty Planning workshops and the new Train-the-Trainer initiative. This will be a nationwide training program, geared towards the largest and most prestigious law enforcement associations such as the FBI National Academy Associates, through their various state chapters. The program will emphasize the importance of having a casualty plan in place prior to a critical incident and present The Agency Casualty Assistance Guide and The Family Assistance Planning Guide as resources for this purpose.

The Badge of Honor Memorial Foundation has two signature publications, The Agency Casualty Assistance Guide and The Family Assistance Planning Guide. They have both been developed over time as a collaborative effort and are used in the Foundation's workshops. The Agency Casualty Assistance Guide covers the law enforcement agency's responses to line-of-duty, active service and retired death, disability and special circumstances; it also covers an array of post-incident support services for departments. The Family Assistance Planning Guide provides the individual officer a framework to organize his or her financial records, insurance information, and last wishes to ease the burden on surviving family members.

"The Badge of Honor Memorial Foundation looks forward to partnering with Motorola to offer this valuable service to state and local law enforcement agencies. The ability of the foundation to reach a larger audience is bolstered by a partner like Motorola. However, the greatest benefactor of this partnership will be the lasting impact on families of fallen officers," said Foundation's Board of Trustees Chairman Chief Chris Vinson, Chief of Police-Highland Park (TX) Department of Public Safety.

The Badge of Honor Memorial Foundation is excited to partner with Cumulus Media Broadcasting and Westwood One and to announce it has received its first grant from the Motorola Solutions Foundation, the charitable arm of Motorola Solutions, Inc. to fund its Casualty Planning workshops and a new Field Training Initiative to educate Regional Casualty Planning Trainers.

About Motorola Solutions Foundation

The Motorola Solutions Foundation is the charitable and philanthropic arm of Motorola Solutions. With employees located around the globe, Motorola Solutions seeks to benefit the communities where it operates. The company achieves this by making strategic grants, forging strong community partnerships and fostering innovation. The Motorola Solutions Foundation focuses its funding on public safety, disaster relief, employee programs and education, especially science, technology, engineering and math programming

Motorola Solutions Foundation:

About The Badge of Honor Memorial Foundation

The Badge of Honor Memorial Foundation is a national tax exempt organization operating under Section 501(c) (3) I.R.C. For more information on the Badge of Honor Memorial Foundation please visit:

To request an interview during National Police Week please contact David Blanchard, Badge of Honor Memorial Foundation President or Billy MacLeod, Director of Media Relations. Interviews for Police Week 2015 are currently being scheduled through Friday May 15th. Radio interviews from the 2014 National Police Week campaign can be heard at THIS LINK.

To make a secure tax deductible donation to BOHMF and support our mission, visit this link to Network for Good.

This article was originally distributed on PRWeb. For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit


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