PFM Group Becomes an Employer of National Service

The PFM Group of companies reaffirms its commitment to public service by joining the Employers of National Service Network

PHILADELPHIA, Pa., June 11, 2015 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- via PRWEB - In a demonstration of the firm's ongoing commitment to hiring individuals who have already shown interest in public service, the PFM Group of companies ( this month has joined the Employers of National Service (ENS) network. Created by President Obama on September 12, 2014 as part of the 20th anniversary of AmeriCorps, the Corporation for National and Community Service works with public, private and nonprofit sectors to foster advancement for alumni of AmeriCorps and the Peace Corps.

"As participating employers, PFM Group companies, which include Public Financial Management, Inc. and PFM Asset Management LLC, will have our job opportunities highlighted in promotional channels and be able to reach a wide array of talented potential employees," explained PFM Group Recruiting Leader Bonnie Levitt. "There are 900,000 AmeriCorps alumni and 215,000 Peace Corps alumni nationwide, and clearly, these are people who have shown that they wish to serve the individuals and institutions of this country."

"Alumni of these programs are desirable employees due to their strong leadership skills and their motivation, flexibility, innovation and their outcome oriented way of thinking," remarked Marianne Sierocinski of the Corporation for National & Community Service. "As an AmeriCorps alum myself, I am deeply grateful for organizations such as the PFM companies that have made the hiring of national service alumni a priority."

The Corporation for National & Community Service administers the Employers of National Service program. Its website has been updated recently to include the PFM Group.

"We are excited to move forward with this partnership," Bonnie adds. "This is an ideal resource for us to tap to help find the best candidates to fill our positions – those who want to help our clients succeed."

This article was originally distributed on PRWeb. For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit


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