Bitcoin Investor Taking Things to a New Level: Bitcoin Exchange Offices to Be Opened in 6 Countries

Miners Center Inc. is now offering a great opportunity for all bitcoin users.

WILIMINGTON, Del., Nov. 20, 2015 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- via PRWEB - Digital currency markets, especially those of Bitcoin, continue to be surrounded by a lot of hype these days and while some skeptics claim that Bitcoin will always remain the currency of the future, without ever embodying that so much expected future, the tech industry businessmen who take the enthusiast side are putting money down on the table to invest in Bitcoin and the development of the opportunity they see attached.

Miners Center Inc., a Delaware based cryptocurrency trading company, has taken bold action in the direction of digital currency, as they do not only see it being in a sweet spot, but they also believe it will deliver according to Bitcoin believers' expectations in the near future. Since it has been established in 2014, the company has been buying large amounts of Bitcoin, at higher market price, in order to achieve their targeted volumes for what is boldly outlined within their business plan as the next step.

By the end of Q4, Miners Center will have opened ten small Bitcoin exchange offices throughout the globe: three of them in the USA, two in Canada, two in Australia, one in the UK, one in Germany and one in Hungary. Although the company has planned everything in detail, specific information related to the exact location of the exchange offices and their operational means will be revealed at their actual launching, which will be handled by the company with proper PR and marketing exposure.

However, besides the news of taking things further with Bitcoin, Miners Center does state that the rates policy within the physical exchange offices will not bring over-the-market-price revenues to its clients, as the company's actual customers have been accustomed up to this point.

The current 10% higher-than-the-market-price rate for Bitcoin purchase offered by Miners Center via their official web-site ( has taken so far the shape of a different business unit within the company, governed by a targeted volume-buying strategy and both the exclusively buyer orientation and hot offer itself, will be discontinued as soon as the company reaches enough Bitcoin resources to start operating what was intended as their core business in the first place. Miners Center state that they are very close to reaching the desired purchase volumes and such turn is expected in the near future.

The CEO of Miners Center, Emilian Tourey, an enthusiast, true believer and an advocate of the Bitcoin currency claims that he's proud of having seen the opportunity and having invested his money into something he strongly believes will bring both a substantial return of investment and a tremendous personal satisfaction for being among the first who's supported building up an alternative to the current financial system.

"I am not naive, nor am I a dreamer. I am business man and I do see the flaws attached to Bitcoin, together with the security issues and I also hear the skeptics' arguments. However, I also see the need of more and more people for an alternative to what is now the mainstream financial system. Businesses involved with Bitcoin now need to understand that in order to gain exposure to a larger public, we have to make Bitcoin easily understandable and available to a broader audience and in order to do that, we have to use some of the traditional ways, but without pushing them too far and aiming to become the new bankers at the table. This is one of the major challenges I see for Bitcoin to achieve a widespread adoption, together with the legal legitimacy and a fair, non-opposing regulations," states Tourey.

Taking the Bitcoin deal from exclusively online to the physical, traditional exchange office may be indeed considered the cornerstone of creating the alternative system Tourey aims at.

More information about Miners Center Inc. may be found at their official web-site:

This article was originally distributed on PRWeb. For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit


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